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198 Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie

12.1 Publikationen 2008

1. Antolovic D, Koch M, Hinz U, Schöttler D, Schmidt T, Heger U, Schmidt J, Büchler MW, Weitz J: Ischemic colitis-analysis of risk fac-tors for postoperative mortality. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 393(4):507-12. 1,496

2. Apel A, Herr I, Schwarz H, Rodemann HP, Mayer A: Blocked autophagy sensitizes re-sistant carcinoma cells to radiation therapy. Cancer Res. 68(5):1485-94. 7,656

3. Aragonés J, Schneider M, Van Geyte K, Fraisl P, Dresselaers T, Mazzone M, Dirkx R, Zacchigna S, Lemieux H, Jeoung NH, Lamb-rechts D, Bishop T, Lafuste P, Diez-Juan A, Harten SK, Van Noten P, De Bock K, Willam C, Tjwa M, Grosfeld A, Navet R, Moons L, Vandendriessche T, Deroose C, Wijeyekoon B, Nuyts J, Jordan B, Silasi-Mansat R, Lupu F, Dewerchin M, Pugh C, Salmon P, Mortelmans L, Gallez B, Gorus F, Buyse J, Sluse F, Harris RA, Gnaiger E, Hespel P, Van Hecke P, Schuit F, Van Veldhoven P, Ratcliffe P, Baes M, Max-well P, Carmeliet P: Deficiency or inhibition of oxygen sensor Phd1 induces hypoxia tole-rance by reprogramming basal metabolism. Nat Genet. 40(2):170-80. 24,176

4. Bachmann J, Heiligensetzer M, Krakowski-Roosen H, Büchler MW, Friess H, Martignoni ME: Cachexia Worsens Prognosis in Patients with Resectable Pancreatic Cancer. J Gastro-intest Surg. 12(7):1193-201. 2,265

5. Bader FG, Lordick F, Fink U, Becker K, Hofler H, Busch R, Siewert JR, Ott K: Paclitaxel in the ne-oadjuvant treatment for adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus (AEG I): A comparison of two phase II trials with long-term follow-up. Onko-logie. 31(7): 366-72. 1,724

6. Bandapalli OR, Kahlert C, Hellstern V, Galin-do L, Schirmacher P, Weitz J, Brand K: Cross-species comparison of biological themes and underlying genes on a global gene expressi-on scale in a mouse model of colorectal liver metastasis and in clinical specimens: BMC Genomics. 9:448. 4,029

7. Bartel M, Hänsch GM, Giese T, Penzel R, Ceyhan GO, Ketterer K, von Knebel-Döberitz M, Friess HM, Giese NA: Abnormal crosstalk between pancreatic acini and macrophages during the clearance of apoptotic cells in chronic pancreatitis. J Pathol. 215(2):195-203

8. Bauer A, Kleeff J, Bier M, Wirtz M, Kayed H, Esposito I, Korc M, Hafner M, Hoheisel JD,

Friess H: Identification of Malignancy Factors by Analyzing Cystic Tumors of the Pancreas. Pancreatology. 9(1-2):34-44. 2,147

9. Beckermann BM, Kallifatidis G, Groth A, Frommhold D, Apel A, Mattern J, Salnikov AV, Moldenhauer G, Wagner W, Diehlmann A, Saf-frich R, Schubert M, Ho AD, Giese N, Büchler MW, Friess H, Büchler P, Herr I: VEGF expres-sion by mesenchymal stem cells contributes to angiogenesis in pancreatic carcinoma. Brit J Cancer. 99(4):622-31. 4,459

10. Beller CJ, Labrosse MR, Hagl S, Gebhard MM, Karck M: Aortic root motion remodeling after aortic valve replacement-implications for late aortic dissection. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Sirg. 7(3): 407-11

11. Bopp C, Hofer S, Weitz J , Bierhaus A , Nawroth PP, Martin E, Büchler MW, Weigand MA: sRAGE is elevated in septic patients and associated with patients outcome. J Surg Res. 147(1):79-83. 2,038

12. Braunstein J, Autschbach F, Giese T, La-sitschka F, Heidtmann A, Sido B, Funke B, Reiser C, Schröder AJ, Nebl G, Samstag Y, Meuer SC: Up-regulation of the phosphoino-sitide 3-kinase pathway in human lamina propria T lymphocytes. Clin Exp Immunol. 151(3): 496-504. 2,747

13. Büchler MW: Lebertransplantation: Von der Innovation zur Routine. Chirurg. 79(2): 110-1. 0,489

14. Büchler MW, Seiler CM, Monson JR, Flamant Y, Thompson-Fawcett MW, Byrne MM, Mor-tensen ER, Altman JF, Williamson R: Clini-cal trial: alvimopan for the management of post-operative ileus after abdominal surge-ry: results of an international randomized, double-blind, multicentre, placebo-con-trolled clinical study. Aliment Pharm Therap. 28(3):312-25. 3,287

15. Büchler MW, Warshaw AL: Resection versus drainage in treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Gastroenterology. 134(5):605-7. 12,457 16. Bü c h l e r MW, We n t e MN : Mo d e r n e Pankreaschirurgie:Es hat sich sehr viel ver-änder t. Chirurg. 79(12): 1105-1106. 0,489 Büchler MW, Wente MN, Friess H: Response Let ter to the Edi tor :Duodenum-preser-ving pancreatic head resection. Surger y. 144(3):478-479.2,977

17. Butturini G, Stocken DD, Wente MN, Jeekel H, Klinkenbijl JH, Bakkevold JE, Takada T,

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