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200 Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie

34. Fischer L, Hoffmann K, Neumann JO, Scho-binger M, Grenacher L, Radeleff B, Friess H, Meinzer HP, Büchler MW, Schmidt J: The Impact of Virtual Operation Planning on Liver Surgery - Review. IMAGING DECISIONS MRI. 11(1), 39-44

35. Fischer L, Kleeff J, Esposito I, Hinz U, Zim-mermann A, Friess H, Büchler MW: Clinical outcome and long-term survival in 118 con-secutive patients with neuroendocrine timo-rous of the pancreas. Brit J Surg. 95(5):627-35. 4,092

36. Fischer L, Knebel P, Schröder S, Bruckner T, Diener MK, Hennes R, Buhl K, Schmid B, Seiler CM: Reasons for explantation of totally implantable access ports: a multivariate ana-lysis of 385 consecurtive patients. Ann Surg Oncol. 15(4):1124-9. 3,329

37. Fischer L, Schoebinger M, Neumann JO, Mül-ler S, Meinzer HP, Büchler MW, Schmied BM: Does preoperative analysis of intrahepatic venous anastomoses improve the surgeon‘s intraoperative decision making? Pilot data from a case report:. Patient Saf Surg. 2(1):19 38. Fonouni H, Mehrabi A, Soleimani M, Müller SA, Büchler MW, Schmidt J: The need for venovenous bypass in liver transplantation. HPB (Oxford). 10(3):196-203

39. Fritz S, Hartwig W, Lehmann R, Will-Schwei-ger K, Kommerell M, Hackert T, Schneider L, Büchler MW, Werner J: Prophylactic antibiotic treatment is superior to therapy on-demand in experimental necrotizing pancreatitis. Crit Care. 12(6):R141. 116

40. Fritz S, Werner J, Hartwig W: Multimodales interdisziplinäres Therapiekonzept des Pan-kreaskarzinoms. Onkopipeline. 1:52-6 (Nr: 2) 41. Gaida MM, Günther F, Wagner C, Friess H, Giese NA, Schidt J, Hänsch GM, Wente MN: Expression of the CXCR6 on polymorphonu-clear neutrophils in pancreatic carcinoma and in acute localized bacterial infections. Clin Exp Immunol. 154(2):216-23. 2,747 42. Gerg M, Kopitz C, Schaten S, Tschukes A, Kahlert C, Stangl M, von Weyhern CW, Brü-cher BL, Edwards DR, Brand K, Krüger A: Distinct functionality of tumor cell-derived gelatinases during formation of liver meta-stases. Mol Cancer Res. 6(3):341-51. 4,759 43. Golling M, Kellner H, Fonouni H, Rad MT, Urbaschek R, Breitkreutz R, Gebhard MM, Mehrabi A: Reduced glutathione in the liver

as a potential viability marker in non-heart-beating donors. Liver Transpl. 14(11):1637-47. 4,629

44. Golling M, Schaudt A, Mehrabi A, Mood ZA, Bechstein WO: Clinical application of soft po-lyglycolic acid felt for hemostasis and repair of a lacerated liver: Report of two cases. Surg Today. 38(2): 188-92. 0,698

45. Grafe IA, Baier M, Nöldge G, Weiss C, DaFon-seca K, Hillmeier J, Libicher M, Rudofsky G, Metzner C, Nawroth P, Meeder PJ, Kaspark C: Calcium-phosphate and polymethylme-thacrylate cement in long-term outcome af-ter kyphoplasty of painful osteoporotic ver-tebral fractures. Spine. 33(11):1284-90. 2,351 46. Guan X, Dei-Anane G, Liang R, Gross ML, Nickkholgh A, Kern M, Ludwig J, Zeier M, Büchler MW, Schmidt J, Schemmer P: Donor Preconditioning with Taurine Protects Kidney Grafts from injury After Experimental Trans-plantation. J Surg Res. 146(1): 127-34. 2,038 47. Günther P, Göppl M, Tröger J, Holland-Cunz S, Schenk JP: Operationsplanung solider, ab-domineller Tumore im Kindesalter -Bedarfsa-nalyse und Stellenwert computerassistierter 3D-Visualisierung-. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 156: 569-573

48. Günther P, Ley S, Tröger J, Witt O, Autsch-bach F, Holland-Cunz S, Schenk JP: 3D Per-fusion Mapping and Vir tual Surgical Plan-ning in the Treatment of Pediatric Embryonal Abdominal Tumors. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 18(1): 7-12. 0,579

49. Hackert T, Büchler MW: Diabetes mellitus bei Pankreasmalignomen – Symptom, Risikoer-krankung oder postoperative Folge?. Leben-dige Wissenschaft Diabetologie. 116-119 50. Hackert T, Büchler MW: Diagnostische versus systematische Lymphknotendissektion beim Pankreascarcinom. MedReport. 16, 7 51. Hagl CI, Klotz M, Wink E, Kraenzle K, Holland-Cunz S, Gretz N, Diener M, Schaefer KH: Tem-poral and regional morphological differences as a consequence of FGF-2 deficiency are mir-rored in the myenteric proteome. Pediatr Surg Int. 24(1): 49-60. 0,653

52. Hainer C, Wente MN, Hallscheidt PJ, Schmidt J, Mar tine E, Büchler MW, Weigand MA: Morphine-induced acute lung injury. J Clin Anesth. 20(4): 300-3. 1,028

53. Hartel M, Naria G, Wente MN, Giese NA, Mar-tignoni ME, Martignetti JA, Friess H, Fried-

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