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204 Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie

107. Maier-Hein L, Müller SA, Pianka F, Wörz S, Müller-Stich BP, Seitel A, Rohr K, Meinzer HP, Schmied BM, Wolf I: Respiratory motion compensation for CT-guided interventions in the liver. Comput Aided Surg. 13(3): 125-38 108. Maier-Hein L, Tekbas A, Franz AM, Tetzlaff R, Müller SA, Pianka F, Wolf I, Kauczor HU, Schmied BM, Meinzer HP: On combining internal and external fiducials for liver mo-tion compensation. Comput Aided Surg. 13(6):369-76

109. Maier-Hein L, Tekbas A, Seitel A, Müller SA, Pianka F, Satzl S, Schawo S, Radeleff B, Tetzlaff R, Franz AM, Müller-Stich BM, Wolf I, Kauczor HU, Schmied BM, Meinzer HP: In vivo accuracy assessment of a needle-ba-sed navigation system for CT-guided radio-frequency ablation of the liver. Med Phys. 35(12):5385-96. 3,571

110. Marhaba R, Klingbeil P, Nuebel T, Nazarenko I, Buechler MW, Zoeller M: CD44 and EpCAM: cancer-initiating cell markers: Curr Mol Med. 8(8):784-804

111. Märten A: Innovative Therapieansätze für das Pankreasadenokarzinom: Onkopipeline. 1: 8-10

112. Märten A: Immunotherapy of pancreatic car-cinoma. Rev Recent Clin Trials. 3(2): 121-5 113. Mär ten A, Büchler MW: Immunotherapy of pancreatic carcinoma. Curr Opn Investig Drugs. 9(6):565-9

114. Märten A, Zeiss N, Serba S, Mehrle S, von Lielienfeld-Toal M, Schmidt J: Bor tezomib is ineffective in an orthotopic mouse model of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Mol Cancer Ther. 7(11):3624-31. 5,137

115. Mehrabi A, Fonouni H, Müller SA, Schmidt J: Current concepts in transplant surgery: liver transplantation today. Langenbeck Arch Surg. 393(3):245-60. 1,496

116. Mehrabi A, Mood Z, Roshanael N, Fonouni H, Müller SA, Schmied BM, Hinz U, Weitz J, Büchler MW, Schmidt J: Mesohepatectomy as an option for the treatment of central liver tumors. J Am Coll Surg. 207(4): 499-509. 2,813

117. Mehrle S, Schmidt J, Büchler MW, Watzl C, Märten A: Enhancement of anti-tumor activi-ty in vitro and in vivo by CD150 and SAP. MOL IMMUNOL. 45(3): 796-804. 4,768

118. Meyburg J, Hoerster F, Weitz J, Hoffmann GF, Schmidt J: Use of the middle colic vein for

Liver cell transplantation in infants and small children. Transpl P. 40(4):936-7. 0,962 119. Michalski CW, Erkan M, Sauliunaite D, Giese T, Stratmann R, Sartori C, Giese NA, Friess H, Kleeff J: Ex vivo chemosensitivity testing and gene expression profiling predict response towards adjuvant gemcitabine treatment in pancreatic cancer: Brit J Cancer. 99(5):760-7. 4,459

120. Michalski CW, Kleeff J, Bachmann J, Alkhatib J, Erkan M, Esposito I, Hinz U, Friess H, Büch-ler MW: Second-look operation for unresec-table pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma at a high-volume center. Ann Surg Oncol. 15(1): 186-92. 3,329

121. Michalski CW, Maier M, Erkan M, Sauliunai-te D, Bergmann F, Pacher P, Batkai S, Giese NA, Giese T, Friess H, Kleeff J: Cannabinoids reduce markers of inflammation and fibrosis in pancreatic stellate cells. PLoS ONE. 3(2) e1701

122. Michalski CW, Oti FE, Erkan M, Sauliunalte D, Bergmann F, Pacher P, Batkai S, Müller MW, Giese NA, Friess H, Kleeff J: Cannabinoids in pancreatic cancer: correlation with survival and pain. Int J Cancer. 122(4):742-50. 4,693 123. Michalski CW, Selvaggi F, Bartel M, Mitkus T, Gorbachevski A, Giese T, Sebastiano PD, Gie-se NA, Friess H: Altered anti-inflammatory re-sponse of mononuclear cells to neuropeptide PACAP is associated with deregulation of NF- (kapp)B in chronic pancreatitis. Am J Physiol Gastr L. 294(1) : G50-7. 3,681

124. Michel S, Benner A, Tariverdian M, Wentzen-sen N, Hoefler P, Pommerencke T, Grabe N, von Knebel Doeberitz M, Kloor M: High den-sity of FOXP3-positive T cells infiltrating colo-rectal cancers with microsatellite instability. Brit J Cancer. 99(11):1867-73. 4,459

125. Mihaljevic AL, Kleeff J, Friess H, Büchler MW, Beger HG: Surgical approaches to chronic pancreatitis. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroente-rol. 22(1):167-181. 2,396

126. Millonig G, Reimann FM, Friedrich S, Fonouni H, Mehrabi A, Büchler MW, Seitz HK, Müller S: Extrahepatic cholestasis increases liver stiffness (FibroScan) irrespective of fibrosis. Hepatology. 48(5):1718-23. 10,446

127. Mood ZA, Mehrabi A, Schmied BM, Mül-ler SA, Engelmann G, Schemmer P, Weitz J, Büchler MW, Gebhard MM, Schmidt J: Review of various techniques of pancre-

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