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217 Jahresbericht 2008 – 2009

J, Gutt C, Swoboda S: Tissue penetration of mo-xifloxacin into human gallbladder wall in patients with biliary tract infections. J Antimicrob Chemoth. 64(5):1091-5:

131. Ott K, Bader FG, Lordick F, Feith M, Bartels H, Sie-wert JR: Surgical factors inf luence the outcome after Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy with intrathoracic anastomosis for adenocarcinoma of the esophago-gastric junction: a consecutive series of 240 pa-tients at an experienced center. Ann Surg Oncol. 16(4):1017-25

132. Ott K, Lordick F: Neoadjuvante Therapie im oberen Gastrointestinaltrakt: Magenkarzinom aus chirur-gischer Sicht. Chirurg. 80:1028-1034

133. Ot t K, Lordick F, Molls M, Bar tels H, Biemer E, Siewert JR: Limited resection and free jeju-nal graf t interposition for squamous cell car-cinoma of the cervical oesophagus. Brit J Surg. 96(3):258-66

134. Radeleff B, Sommer CM, Heye T, Lopez-Benitez R, Sauer P, Schmidt J, Kauczor HU, Richter GM: Acute increase in Hepatic Ar terial Flow During TIPSS Identified by Intravascular Flow Measurements. Cardiovasc Inter Rad. 32(1):32-7

135. Rahbari NN, Knebel P, Diener MK, Seidlmayer C, Ridwelski K, Stoltzing H, Seiler CM: Current practi-ce of abdominal wall closure in elective surgery - Is there any consensus?. BMC Surg. 9(1):8

136. Rahbari NN, Koch M, Mehrabi A, Weidmann K, Motschall E, Kahlert C, Büchler MW, Weitz J: Por-tal Triad Clamping Versus Vascular Exclusion for Vascular Control During Hepatic Resection. A Sy-stematic Review and Meta-analysis. Gastrointest Surg. 13(3):558-68

137. Rahbari NN, Koch M, Schmidt T, Motschall E, Bruckner T, Weidmann K, Mehrabi A, Büchler MW, Weitz J: Meta-Analysis of the Clamp-Crushing Technique for Transection of the Parenchyma in Elective Hepatic Resection. Back to Where We Started?. Ann Surg Oncol. 16(3):630-9

138. Rahbari NN, Zimmermann JB, Koch M, Bruckner T, Schmidt T, Elbers H, Reissfelder C, Weigand MA, Buchler MW, Weitz J: IVC CLAMP: infrahepatic in-ferior vena cava clamping during hepatectomy - a randomised controlled trial in an interdisclipinary setting. Trials. 10(1):94

139. Rahbari NN, Zimmermann JB, Schmidt T, Koch M, Weigand MA, Weitz J: Meta-analysis of standard, restrictive and supplemental fluid administration in colorectal surgery. Brit J Surg. 96(4):331-41 140. Rajasagi M, Vitacolonna M, Benjak B, Marhaba R, Zöller M: CD44 Promotes progenitor homing into

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141. Ran D, Schubert M, Pietsch L, Taubert I, Wuchter P, Eckstein V, Bruckner T, Zöller M, Ho AD: Alde-hyde dehydrogenase activity among primary leu-kemia cells is associated with stem cell features and correlates with adverse clinical outcomes. Exp Hematol. 37(12):1423-34

142. Reers C, Erbel S, Esposito I, Schmied B, Büchler MW, Nawroth PP, Ritzel RA: Impaired islet turnover in human donor pancreata with aging. Eur J Endo-crinol. 160(2):185-91

143. Reißfelder C, Mc Cafferty B, von Frankenberg M: Offene Appendektomie: Wann wird sie noch ge-braucht?. Chirurg. 80(7):602-7:

144. Reißfelder C, Radeleff B, Mehrabi A, Rahbari NN, Weitz J, Büchler MW, Schmidt J, Schemmer P: Emergency liver transplantation af ter umbilical hernia repair: a case report. Transpl P. 41(10):4428-30

145. Reißfelder C, Rahbari NN, Koch M, Ulrich A, Pfeil-schif ter I, Walter t A, Müller SA, Schemmer P, Büchler MW, Weitz J: Validation of Prognostic Sco-ring Systems for Patients Undergoing Resection of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases. Ann Surg On-col. 16(12):3279-88

146. Rosenhagen M, Feldhues R, Schmidt J, Hoppe-Ti-chy T, Geiss HK: A risk profile for invasive asper-gillosis in liver transplant recipients. Infection. 37(4):313-9

147. Rosien U, Hartwig W, Werner J, Keller J, Büchler MW, Layer P: Moderne interdisziplinäre Therapie der nekrotisierenden Pankreatitis. Der Gastroente-rologe. 4:411-418

148. Rudofsky G Jr, Grafe IA, Metzner C, Leowardi C, Fohr B: Transient post-operative thyrotoxico-sis af ter parathyroidectomy. Med Sci Monitor. 15(3):CS41-3

149. Ryschich E, Kerkadze V, Deduchovas O, Salni-kova O, Parseliunas A, Mär ten A, Har twig W, Sperandio M, Schmidt J: Intracapillar y leuco-cyte accumulation as a novel antihaemorrhagic mechanism in acute pancreatitis in mice. Gut. 58(11):1508-16

150. Ryschich E, Khamidjanov A, Kerkadze V, Büchler MW, Zöller M, Schmidt J: Promotion of tumor cell migration by extracellular matrix proteins in hu-man pancreatic cancer. Pancreas. 38(7):804-10 151. Sadeghi M, Daniel V, Lahdou I, Döhler B, Naujo-kat C, Renner FC, Weimer R, Fonouni H, Mehrabi A, Schmidt J, Schenk M, Zeier M, Opelz G: Asso-ciation of pretransplant soluble glycoprotein 130

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