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The idea to initiate a non-profit association
giving humanitarian aid beyond causal
research was developed following research
activities at the "Centre de Recherche en
Santé de Nouna (CRSN)" in Nouna/Burkina
Faso in the context of the SFB 544 "Control
of tropical infectious diseases" (see chapter
1). The association "Friends of Nouna" was
founded in 2001 by members of the insti-
tute. Prof. Becher was chairman until 2004
followed by Dr. Ronellenfitsch until 2008;
since then the position is held by Dr. Louis.
The aims of the organisation are the pro-
motion of projects in the fields of training,
agri-cultural development and health in the
province Kossi, situated in the North West of
Burkina Faso as well as the promotion and
development of cultural exchange between
Burkina Faso and Germany within the idea
of international understanding.
The first major project was building a well in
the small village of Cissé. In this village, an
extremely high child mortality was obser-
ved, and the drinking water supply was
particularly poor. Thanks to the generous
help of sponsors the well was finished by
the end of 2004. Reparations made in 2010
after a falling tree had damaged the well
external structure ensured further access to
safe water and use of the well.
Follow up of projects and maintenance of
current installations represents a priority for
the association. Activities in Germany focus
on fundraising and actions to promote cul-
tural exchange between Burkina Faso and
Germany. In recent years, this has included
representation at the African market and
at the christmas market in Heidelberg, an
event to introduce African musical instru-
ments at a Kindergarten, and the production
and promotion of a CD recorded by local
traditional musicians in Nouna. The associ-
ation aims to continue its current work and
promote new projects and activities in the
To contact us:
The not-for-profit
association "Friends
of Nouna" e.V.
The current projects in
Burkina Faso include:
›› Installation of solar panels on rural
health centers and maternities (CSPS)
in particular to provide light for deliver-
ies taking place at night. Within the
last 5 years, 6 CSPS have been equip-
ped with solar installations.
›› Set up and care of a food garden in
the health and nutrition center for
undernourished children (CREN) in
›› Support for developing dormitory
centers for school students away from
President: Dr. Valérie Louis
Vice-president: Dr. Paul Conrad
Treasurer: Dr. Aurélia Souares
Liaison officer: Nobila Ouédraogo
Webmaster: Olivier Kalmus