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Committee Memberships
Heiko Becher
Elected member of the "Fachkollegium" of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the subject
"Epidemiologie, medizinische Biometrie, medizinische Informatik, Public Health"
Speaker of the PhD programme "Epidemiology (Graduiertenkolleg 793)", University of Heidelberg
Member of the council of the Berlin School of Public Health
Elected executive board member of the German Society of Epidemiology, 2012-2014
Sabine Gabrysch
Steering committee member of the John Snow Society
Albrecht Jahn
Commission Dr. sc. hum. of the Medical Faculty in Heidelberg (since 2011)
Gerald Leppert
German Society for Health Economics - International cooperation (Prof. Flessa)
microinsurance network working group on health insurance
Olaf Müller
Commission Dr. med. of the Medical Faculty in Heidelberg
Florian Neuhann
Chairman of the section Universal Acsess of the German AIDS Society
Andreas Ruppel
Commission Dr. sc. hum. of the Medical Faculty in Heidelberg (until 2011)
Hans-Christian Stahl
German Society for Health Economics - international cooperation (Prof. Flessa)
Waisenmedizin e.V. - PACEM (executive board)
Annelies Wilder-Smith President, Asia Pacific Society of Travel Medicine
Chair, conference of the Asia Pacific Society of Travel Medicine Singapore 2012
Executive board member, International Society of Travel Medicine