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The Institute as a Hub
The Heidelberg Initiative for Global Health (HIGH)
In recent years, many countries have
upgraded their research and management
capacity in global health. In Germany, this
process is still in an early stage. The Uni-
versity of Heidelberg has established itself
as a centre of excellence in a wide range of
relevant disciplines (e.g. life sciences, poli-
tical sciences, geo sciences, international
law, development studies), and can draw
on expertise from eminent collaborating
institutions such as the German Cancer
Research Centre and Max Planck Institutes.
Thus, it has a unique potential and a res-
ponsibility to take a lead in research and
evidence generation for action to promote
"Health for All". The institute as well as the
medical faculty and the university have a
long track record of tackling global health
issues and challenges. This includes joint
research programmes such as the Research
Focus Control of Tropical Infectious Disea-
ses (SFB 544), joint doctoral programmes
as well as the many international collabo-
rative projects, portrayed in this report.
Building on these assets and taking into
account the trans-disciplinary nature of
global health, we initiated the Heidelberg
Initiative for Global Health (HIGH) as a hub
and future think tank for all global public
health related activities at the University of
Heidelberg and its associated institutions
and partners locally, nationally and inter-
nationally. This new initiative was planned
and developed in 2011 and launched in
2012 and covers life sciences, clinical
medicine, public health, anthropology,
environmental sciences, law and econo-
mics. It pursues the following objectives:
1. To map, link interests, activities and fos-
ter synergies related to global health.
2. To join forces for research and teaching
in global health through coordination,
concept development, joint applications
and joint projects.
3. To promote equitable and enabling
international academic partnerships for
global health issues.
4. To strengthen the capacity of University
of Heidelberg, its networks and its part-
ners, to address global health challenges
ranging from disease control, to univer-
sal access to health care, health equity,
environment, governance and health-
related human rights.