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International Health
Economics and Financing
Group leader:
Dr. Manuela De Allegri
Formal members
Gerald Leppert
Stephan Brenner
Olivier Kalmus
Qun Wang
Gilbert Abiiro
Hoa Nguyen
Associated partners
Prof. Dr. Hengjin Dong
Dr. Yesim Tozan
Associated PhD students
Hans-Christian Stahl
Shafiu Mohammed
Yan Ding
Yan Fei
Budi Aji
Happiness P. Saronga
Germain Savadogo
Jake Robyn
Over the years, the group has come to focus
primarily on research themes pertinent
to health financing and more specifically
to the achievement of universal health
coverage on a global level. In line with the
global health financing agenda, the group’s
current work focuses primarily on impact
evaluations related to:
›› alternative systems to raise funds for
health care
›› health care financing interventions which
target traditionally disadvantaged groups
and vulnerable populations with the aim
of increasing access to health services
›› innovative strategies to ensure an equi-
table and efficient mix of quality health
services to those in need.
Specific areas of expertise and research
Social health insurance, private insurance,
and micro health insurance:
The group
works with experimental and semi-experi-
mental research designs to accompany the
development and to produce evidence on
the impact of insurance mechanisms in low-
and middle-income countries.
Provider payment and health services
The group has competencies in
performance-based financing and relevant
assessments of quality of care, primarily in
low- and middle-income countries.
User fee abolition:
The group works on
issues relevant to the abolition of user
fees in West African countries, conducting
both applied research on the impact of
single interventions (in collaboration with
the disease control group at the HIPH) and
The research group in international health
economics and health financing aims at
being at the fore-front of health economics
and health financing research and teaching
on a global level. The group came into
existence about fifteen years ago, as one of
the first academic groups in Germany with
a focus on the application of health econo-
mics to health systems research in low- and
middle-income countries. Over the years,
the group has experienced natural changes
in leadership, but has maintained its role
of contributing to global health systems
research through the understanding of how
scarce resources can be used efficiently to
produce valuable and equitable health outco-
mes world-wide.