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Specific objectives:
1. To critically analyse the MDG approach,
its achievements and shortcomings,
including the present incentive systems
for MDG-related health innovation.
2. To formulate a set of goods and services
that corresponds with essential health
needs (EHNs), which should be guaran-
teed to every human being as entitle-
ments under the human right to health.
3. To affirm and further elucidate the nati-
onal responsibility for providing these
goods and services, and to clarify the
international responsibility in relation to
the national responsibility.
4. To critically analyse and propose chan-
ges to the present global. Governance of
Health (GGoH), such that it holds govern-
ments and others more accountable for
their responsibilities, enhancing the like-
lihood that the goals will be achieved.
Another important activity is the follow up
of WHO’s consultative expert working group
(CEWG) on research and development:
financing and coordination. This report was
presented to the World Health Assembly
2012 and made a range of recommenda-
tions on how to best support research and
innovations for diseases that primarily
affect low- and middle-income countries.
Having been involved in the CEWG, we sup-
port the current consultations and work on
the proposal for a WHO convention.
We also provide consultancy service for deve-
lopment agencies and Ministries of Health.
Current collaborations include the European
Academic Global Health Alliance, the German
Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ),
Global Health Europe, and international
academic partner institutions in Tanzania,
Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, and Peru.
The Go4Health consortium
comprises 14 international
partners from academia
(public health and law),
and civil society:
›› Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium
›› Heidelberg Institute of Public Health
›› SECTION27, South Africa
›› O’Neill Institute for National and Glo-
bal Health Law, Georgetown University
Law Center
›› University of Oxford
›› Medico International
›› Center for Health, Human Rights and
Development, Uganda
›› University of Nairobi
›› BRAC University, James P. Grant School
of Public Health, Bangladesh
›› Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y
Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud,
›› Norwegian Centre for Human Rights
›› London School of Hygiene and Tropical
›› University of Queensland; Australia
›› University of Toronto, Dalla Lana
School of Public Health