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be used in out-patients and in-patients set-
tings and adapted to different clinical areas,
for example to focus on family planning
and reproductive health services. Taking
advantage of evaplan and IHPMRs local
knowledge of the Kenyan health system and
the Kenyan quality assurance model, a well
established methodology will be used to
engage stakeholders in a participatory pro-
cess to select the standards and indicators
that the QM instrument needs to be based
upon in order to be integrated in the Kenyan
health system.
Prior experience in adapting this QM inst-
rument to other settings has shown that it
allows for utmost flexibility. Care is being
taken to incorporate ongoing QM processes
in Kenya. Facility needs assessment will
also be undertaken to inform the adaptati-
on process and ensure the QM instrument
meets local needs and is truly tailor-made.
The consensus building approach will also
involve relevant provincial, district and
hospital management as their buy-in is
essential to the success of QM change pro-
cesses, particularly those that involve the
introduction of information and communica-
tion technologies (ICTs).
Capacity building at the health facility level
is provided by the IHPMR and a team of
international consultants. The international
experts' foci are the adaptation of the QM
Instrument, to accompany the implemen-
tation, providing coaching of staff and
to establish a pool of trainer of trainers
at IHPMR. The private sector will also be
involved as future potential clients for the
adapted QM instrument. It is intended that
marketing will be undertaken throughout
Kenya and the East-African region in due
course. These measures will all help to
secure the sustainability of the intervention
beyond the initial time-span of support from
GIZ. Internal GIZ knowledge management,
operational research and broader project
dissemination services are also provided.
The AQUA Institute is interested to support
IHPMR staff and facility level partners to
prepare scientific publications.
QUALMAT meeting in Burkina Faso in 2011