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Becher H
(2010) Guest Editorial: Analyses of
mortality clustering at member HDSSs within
the INDEPTH Network - an important public
health issue. Glob Health Action. 3:3-7.
Beiersmann C, De Allegri M
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J, Ye M,
Jahn A, Müller O
(2010) Different
delivery mechanisms for insecticide-treated
nets in rural Burkina Faso: a provider‘s
perspective. Malar J. 9:352.
Bogg L,
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(2010) An economic insight
into health care provision in six Chinese
counties: equity in crisis? In: International
Health and Aid Policies The need for alterna-
tives. Edited by Unger J, De Paepe P, Sen K,
Soors W. 123-137.
Boggild AK, Castelli F, Gautret P, Torresi J,
von Sonnenburg F, Barnett ED, Greenaway
CA, Lim PL, Schwartz E,
Wilder-Smith A
Wilson ME (2010) GeoSentinel Surveillance
Network:.Vaccine preventable diseases in
returned international travelers: results
from the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network.
Vaccine. 28(46):7389-95.
Bountogo M, Zoungrana A, Coulibaly B,
Klose C, Mansmann U, Mockenhaupt FP,
Burhenne J, Mikus G, Walter-Sack I, Schir-
mer RH, Sié A, Meissner P,
Müller O
Efficacy of methylene blue monotherapy in
semi-immune adults with uncomplicated
falciparum malaria: a controlled trial in Bur-
kina Faso. Trop Med Int Health. 15(6):713-7.
Cohen DB, Zijlstra EE, Mukaka M, Reiss
M, Kamphambale S, Scholing M, Waitt PI,
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(2010) Diagnosis of cryptococcal
and tuberculous meningitis in a resource-
limited African setting. Trop Med Int Health.
Danquah I, Coulibaly B, Meissner P, Pet-
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Müller O
, Mockenhaupt FP (2010)
Selection of pfmdr1 and pfcrt alleles in
amodiaquine treatment failure in north-wes-
tern Burkina Faso. Acta Trop. 114(1):63-6.
De Allegri M
, Marschall P, Flessa S, Tiendre-
beogo J, Kouyaté B,
Jahn A, Müller O
Comparative cost analysis of insecticide-tre-
ated net delivery strategies: sales suppor-
ted by social marketing and free distribution
through antenatal care. Health Policy Plan.
De Allegri M
, Ridde V,
Louis VR, Sarker M
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Müller O, Jahn A
Determinants of utilisation of maternal care
services after the reduction of user fees: A
case study from rural Burkina Faso. Health
Policy. 99(3):210-8.
Deckert A, Winkler V
, Paltiel A, Razum O,
Becher H
(2010) Time trends in cardiovascu-
lar disease mortality in Russia and Germany
from 1980 to 2007 - are there migration
effects? BMC Public Health. 10:488.
Dong H
(2010) A cost-minimization analysis
for type 2 diabetes with insulin Glargine
compared to insulin Determir in a basal sup-
ported oral therapy I China. Value in Health.
Eriksen J, Mujinja P, Warsame M, Nsimba S,
Kouyaté B, Gustafsson LL,
Jahn A, Müller,
, Tomson G (2010) Effectiveness
of a community intervention on malaria in
rural Tanzania-a randomised controlled trial.
African Health Sciences. 10(4):332-40.
Gautret P,
Wilder-Smith A
(2010) Vaccination
against tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis and
poliomyelitis in adult travelers. Travel Med
Infect Dis. 8:155-60
Heukelbach J, Sonnberg S,
Becher H
, Mello
I, Speare R, Oliveira FA (2010) Ovidical
efficacy of high concentration dimeticone:
a new era of head lice treatment. J Am Acad
Dermatol. 64(4):61-62.
Jahncke E, Lim MK, Seow A, Chia KS,
Smith A
(2010) Global health: challenges