a computer center and the establishment of
a population-based demographic surveil-
lance system in the Nouna district, which
today includes over 150,000 individuals
(see chapter on CRSN on page 92).
During the last phase of the SFB 544 pro-
gram, four research projects and one central
project were implemented by HIPH. These
1. A8 Project (PIs Olaf Müller, Peter Meis-
sner): Evaluation of alternative malaria
first-line combination therapies in young
children of Nouna/Burkina Faso
2. D1 Project (PI Heiko Becher): An exten-
ded evaluation of malaria morbidity and
mortality estimates in selected countries
in Sub-Saharan Africa
3. D2 Project (PI Rainer Sauerborn):
Community-based insurance – the effect
of targeted subsidies and other policies
on different scenarios for long-term
4. D4 Project (PI Olaf Müller, Albrecht
Jahn): Community-effectiveness of the
distribution of insecticide-treated bed
nets through antenatal care services in
malaria control in rural Burkina Faso
5. Z2 Project (PI Heiko Becher): Data
management and data analysis of the da-
tabase from the CRSN in Nouna, Burkina
Faso, and statistical collaboration with
research groups within the SFB
Making people count: Population-based research as part of the special research center SFB 544 “Control of
tropical infectious diseases” SFB project Z1 (Heiko Becher).