The topics covered included the following:
physical basis of climate change; climate
scenarios and mitigation; health impact of
climate change; climate-sensitive disea-
ses; health system response, adaptation,
mitigation in the health sector. Examples
were drawn as often as possible from the
geographical context. At the end of the
course, the participants made an oral group
presentation on a topic of their choice
linking their professional expertise with
the themes covered during the week. The
course was evaluated and feedback from
the participants was sought out.
The course was conducted by Prof Rainer
Sauerborn and Dr. Valérie Louis
Teaching in Malawi
Teaching constitutes one important ele-
ment of the collaboration with the Hospital
in Lilongwe Malawi and comprises of
›› Clinical teaching through bedside
teaching ward rounds, lectures by visiting
faculty, a structured training course in
ultrasound diagnostic and the provision
of an e-learning platform
›› A training course "Introduction to epide-
miology and use of the EpiInfo Software
(PD Dr. Heribert Ramroth)
›› A combination of bedside teaching and
lectured course in "Advanced HIV manage-
ment" in cooperation with the Infectious
Disease Clinic University Cologne
Group discussion led by Malabika Sarker
Heribert Ramroth discusses analysis results with CRSN staff members during an intensive short course in Nouna