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The James P Grant School of Public Health
(JPGSPH) at BRAC University in Bangladesh
is a leading school of public health. The
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
has recognized the school as one of the
six schools in the world promoting and
practicing innovative higher public health
education. In addition, JPGSPH has earned
a standing amongst all schools of public
health for its emphasis on community-
based experiential learning.
The JPGSPH, BRAC University and the Insti-
tute of Public Health, University of Heidel-
berg, Germany, share the same mission of
enhancing public health through capacity
building; fostering graduate and post gradu-
ate education; contributing to the genera-
tion, dissemination, and promotion of the
utilization of knowledge through research;
and improving service delivery. Given the
similarity of their missions, these two insti-
tutions have initiated a fruitful collaboration
marked by the signing of a memorandum
of understanding The areas of collaboration
include: a) Academic cooperation; b) Joint
research activities; c) Joint appointment of
senior faculty and faculty exchange;
d) Joint seminars, conferences and acade-
mic meetings; and e) Student exchange.
Manuela De Allegri from Heidelberg Institute
of Public Health and Malabika Sarker from
JPGSPH act as coordinating partners on
behalf of their respective institutions.
Group of women with children in Bangladesh