Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

On behalf of all colleagues, I would like to welcome you to the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Heidelberg University Hospital!

Our department offers guideline-oriented and evidence-based diagnostics and therapies for the disease patterns of the entire spectrum of child and adolescent psychiatry. Our particular clinical focus is on "self-harm and emotionally unstable personality development", "early diagnosis of psychosis and schizophrenia in adolescence" and "school absenteeism". Our services are characterized by the integration of diverse diagnostic, therapeutic and pedagogical procedures, which are individually tailored to the needs of our patients.

Our research focuses on the areas of personality development, adolescent risk behavior and self-harm, schizophrenia in adolescence, prevention, health promotion and quality assurance in school, kindergarten and day care and early childhood, temperament, early life stress.

In addition to these diverse activities in the field of patient care and research, the clinic is intensively dedicated to the challenges of modern teaching and training.

News and events More Information

Head of the Department / Medical Director

You may contact us through
Blumenstraße 8
69115 Heidelberg
Building 5040

What to do in an emergency

Mon-Thu 9-13 and 14-17 and Fri 9-13 and 14-15:30
06221 / 56-6914

Outside these times
06221 / 56-4466
An emergency physician is available 24 hours a day

How to find us

Visit our hospital
