For detailed information on telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of our staff members please have a look at the university's staff directory.
General numbers for our unit: +49-6221-56...
7845 / 7855 | administration |
8392 | lab Prof. Lanzer |
6815 / 6546 / 6746 | lab Prof. Frischknecht (office: 6537) |
7882 | lab Dr Ganter (office: 6546) |
7882 | lab Dr Hentzschel (office: 7877) |
8284 / 7849 | lab Dr Ingham (office: 35236 / admin assistant: 39747) |
4415 / 7438 | "Malaria Clinical Trials Unit" lab (office: 7827) |
7846 | diagnostics |
The e-mail addresses of our staff follow the general rule: [] (As for every rule there are some exceptions...)