Administration building

Corporate Purchasing Division

The Corporate Purchasing division is responsible for supplying all clinical, administrative and research areas of Heidelberg University Hospital with medical consumables (excluding pharmacy-only items), technical, business and administrative supplies as well as food procurement for catering.

The division's task is to ensure the security of supply in the hospital and to organise supplies economically and flexibly in accordance with the highest quality standards.

Dr. Cornelia Hoffmann

Berliner Straße 10
69120 Heidelberg

Purchasing is responsible for implementing electronic purchase requisitions, ensuring reliable and timely delivery of goods to their destination and processing returns, incorrect deliveries and customer complaints.

To ensure largely automated purchasing and simplified ordering processes, Purchasing maintains an electronic catalogue for the procurement of goods and services.

Contact the Purchasing team

This area of purchasing is responsible for the procurement of capital goods. This can relate to individual procurement elements as well as project procurements.

The team is divided into two team groups according to the current threshold values (see threshold values under "Procurement and contract management"): The team for below-threshold procurements and the team for above-threshold procurements.

Contact the Purchasing Invest team


As a contracting authority within the meaning of the Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB), Heidelberg University Hospital is subject to the applicable contract law.

The question of whether a contract must be put out to public tender is answered by examining so-called threshold values. From a net contract value of € 10,000 (construction services) or € 50,000 (supplies and services), a tender must be carried out in accordance with national law.

The thresholds above which a tender is required under European law are adjusted by the EU every two years. Since 1 January 2024, they have been €221,000 net (supplies and services) and €5,538,000 net (construction work).

The stricter EU procurement regulations require a tendering period of at least 30 days after the publication of a tender. This period is available to all interested companies to submit a tender. Once this period has expired, the bids received electronically are analysed and award notices are sent to all companies that have submitted a bid (the so-called "bidders"). A 10-day waiting period then begins, after which the contract may be awarded to the successful bidder.

Our invitations to tender and the associated tender documents can be downloaded from the electronic tendering portal "Vergabeportal-BW"( after publication.

The procurement office of the Corporate Procurement division will be happy to answer any further questions you may have by e-mail.

Contact the Procurement Office team

Procurement is shared by a total of two purchasing departments:

Below you will find the departments with the main groups:

  • Purchasing of the pharmacy: pharmacy-only products, reagents, chemicals, pharmaceutical products.
  • Group Purchasing: Capital goods, medical consumables, business and administrative supplies, technical supplies, foodstuffs, room furnishings, textiles and services.

New products must first be presented to purchasing management. They check whether the use of the new product is economical and sensible. If the product is a new development, the responsible team member from Purchasing Management establishes contact with possible areas of application and coordinates contact with the supplier. If the new product can replace a previously used product, Purchasing Management coordinates possible tests in the application areas/selected application areas to check the usability and cost-effectiveness of the product.

Appointments in Purchasing Management are generally only made by telephone.

  • In exceptional cases by e-mail: The appointment may only be kept if the appointment has been expressly confirmed by Purchasing Management by e-mail. No reply means cancellation of the appointment.
  • Please refrain from unannounced visits.

The billing of items and necessary documentation is largely carried out by scanning barcodes. The article barcodes must be made available to the purchasing department electronically before delivery so that they can be entered into the SAP system. For this purpose, we have set up an e-mail address to which you can report your barcode data (MS Excel from version 2003).

E-mail address for reporting your barcodes: Datenmanagement.GB3(at)

Please use only the following e-mail address for electronic invoicing:


Please always contact the official centre for medical device safety at Heidelberg University Hospital with product recalls and safety information:


For product recalls and safety information concerning medical consumables, please also contact the Group Purchasing division:


Returns agreed with the supplier (collection of goods) must be made at the time agreed with the operational purchasing department. If no date has been specified, the return must be made within 5 working days of the notification of the return. Any changes must be agreed with the operational purchasing department.
If the goods have not been collected by the supplier by the agreed date, we assume that the supplier will waive collection of the goods and nevertheless agree to the invoice deduction/issue of a credit note. If necessary, the goods will be donated for humanitarian purposes

Under the following link you will find the terms and conditions of the clinic

Please click here.

Here you can find our current vacancies - here