Donate and support
Organization Company Donations

Donate and support

Your commitment is precious to us

Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) needs friends, sponsors and supporters. Your donation helps to strengthen the UKHD as a maximum care provider in the Rhine-Neckar region and as an institution for research and teaching. With your commitment, you support excellent medicine, help sick people and promote innovative research projects.

The high standard of performance in care and research has been supported by foundations and sponsoring organisations in some areas for many years. Please contact us if you would like your donation to be used for a specific purpose. We will be happy to realise what is particularly important to you.

Foundations at the UKHD

Surgery Foundation 
Thorax Foundation Heidelberg 
European Foundation Urology 
Courage Paediatric Clinic

Support organisations at the UKHD

Friends of the Clinic School 
Friends of the Skin Clinic e.V. 
Heidelberger Vereinigung zur Hilfe psychisch kranke Kinder und Jugendliche e.V. (VHKJ) 
Association for the Promotion of Radiooncology at Heidelberg University Hospital e.V. 
Freunde des Kreiskrankenhauses Bergstraße e.V
Curatorium Immunologicum e.V. 
Förderkreis Orthopädie Heidelberg e.V. 
Freunde und Förderer der Kardiologie Heidelberg e.V
Aktion krebskranke Kinder e.V
OnkoAktiv e.V.

Donations for cancer research

National Centre for Tumour Diseases (NCT)
Hopp Children's Tumour Centre Heidelberg (KiTZ)


Heidelberg University Hospital and Heidelberg Medical Faculty
Im Neuenheimer Feld 672
69120 Heidelberg
Tel: 06221 56-8992
E-mail: geschaeftsstelle(at)

Donation account UKHD

Heidelberg University Hospital
Baden-Württembergische Bank Stuttgart
IBAN: DE64 6005 0101 7421 5004 29

Your contact details will not be passed on with the bank transfer. Please let us know about your donation and provide us with your contact details so that we can issue a donation receipt and recognise your donation accordingly.