Internal Medicine III:… Education


Dear students,

For clinical training in internal medicine, the courses offered by our clinic are integrated into the reformed HEICUMED course of studies. In addition, our clinic offers other voluntary courses.

The various scientific working groups offer a variety of topics for doctoral theses, both from the clinical field and basic research.

Our Teaching Team

In addition to patient care and research, the education of students at Heidelberg University Hospital naturally plays an important role.

The team at our clinic coordinates the courses offered to students, organises visits and work shadowing, takes care of student support during the practical year, prepares exam questions, supervises innovative teaching projects, and much, much more.

Should you as a medical student have any questions regarding the care within our clinic, please do not hesitate to contact our team teaching department.

Echocardiography course for PJ students

Our dedicated colleagues from the teaching team offer an additional voluntary echo course for students in their practical year.

If you are interested please contact Ann-Kathrin.Rahm(at) at any time.

Clinical Traineeship

You would like to do a clinical traineeship in Internal Medicine III? Please contact us at any time with your curriculum vitae and a valid certificate of enrolment.


Cardiology Career Program

The "Cardiology Career Program" (CCP) is aimed at medical students who are interested in doing a doctoral thesis in Heidelberg cardiology or who have already started research work here. Further information can be found here: Cardiology Career Program.

Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
69120 Heidelberg
Building 6410

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