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206 Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie

neoadjuvant-treated locally advanced gas-tric cancer: GSTM1-present genotype is as-sociated with better prognosis in complete-ly resected patients: Int J Colorectal Dis. 23(8):773-82. 2,006

145. Ott K, Lordick F, Herrmann K, Krause BJ, Schuhmacher C, Siewert JR: The new credo: induction chemotherapy in locally advanced gastric cancer: consequences for surgical strategies. Gastric Cancer. 11(1):1-9

146. Ott K, Lordick F, Weitz J, Schmidt J, Schaible A, Gutt C, Büchler M: hirurgie des Magenkar-zinoms: Standards und Innovationen: Von der primären Chirurgie zu multimodalen, individualisierten Strategien: Klinikarzt. 37: 359-364

147. Ott K, Panzram B, Lordick F, Herrmann K, Becker K, Schwaiger M, Siewert JR, Keller G: PET basierte neoadjuvante Chemotherapie beim Adenokarzinom des gastroösophage-alen Übergangs:Typ I und II (MUNICON I): der VEGF936C>T Polymorphismus ist prädiktiv für die Prognose. Chirurgisches Forum. 37: 85-87

148. Palmowski M, Hacke N, Satzl S, Klauss M, Wente MN, NeukammM, Kleeff J, Hallscheidt P: Metastasis to the Pancreas: Characteriza-tion by Morphology and Contrast Enhance-ment Features on CT and MRI. Pancreatology. 8(2): 199-203. 2,147

149. Pilarsky C, Ammerpohl O, Sipos B, Dahl E, Hartmann A, Wellmann A, Braunschweig T, Löhr M, Jesnowski R, Friess H, Wente MN, Kristiansen G, Jahnke B, Denz a, Rückert F, Schackert HK, Klöppel G, Kalthoff H, Saeger HD, Grützmann R: Activation of Wnt signaling in stroma from pancreatic cancer identified by gene expression profiling. J Cell Mol Med. 12(6B):2823-35. 6,555

150. Popov Y, Patsenker E, Stickel F, Zaks J, Bhaskar KR, Niedobitek G, Kolb A, Friess H, Schuppan D: Integrin alphavbeta6 is a mar-ker of the progression of biliary and portal liver fibrosis and a novel target for antibiotic therapies. J Hepatol. 48(3):453-64. 6,073 151. Radeleff B, Schawo S, Hoffmann K, Schem-mer P, Noeldge G, Kauffmann GW, Froehlich B, Richter GM: Efficacy and Safety of Percu-taneous Transhepatic Por tal Embolization before Right Liver Resection Using an Ethi-bloc/Lipiodol Mixture: A Single-Center Expe-rience. Digest Surg. 25(1):52-59. 1,397

152. Radeleff B, Sommer CM, Schawo S, Lopez-Benitez R, Sauer P, Schemmer P, Kauffmann GW, Richter GM: Acute liver failure af ter a late TIPSS revision. Cardiovasc Inter Rad. 31(1):209-14. 1,149

153. Rahbari NN, Diener MK, Fischer L, Wente MN, Kienle P, Büchler MW, Seiler CM: A concept for trial institutions focusing on randomized controlled trials in surgery. Trials. 9(1) : 3 154. Rahbari NN, Wente MN, Schemmer P, Diener MK, Hoffmann K, Motschall E, Schmidt J, Weitz J, Büchler MW: Systematic review and meta-analysis of the ef fect of por tal triad clamping on outcome after hepatic resection. Brit J Surg. 95(4): 424-32. 4,092

155. Reiser-Erkan C, Erkan M, Pan Z, Bekasi S, Giese NA, Streit S, Michalski CW, Friess H, Kleeff J: Hypoxia-inducible proto-oncogene Pim-1 is a prognostic marker in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Cancer Biol Ther. 7(9):1352-9. 2,818

156. Reißfelder C, Rahbari NN, Koch M, Büchler MW, Weitz J: Pankreaskarzinom und periam-pulläre Karzinome. Allgemeine und Viszeral-chirurgie up2date. 2:229-248

157. Romero P, Günther P, Schenk JP, Holland-Cunz S: Tumor or trauma : A case repor t of synovial sof t tissue sarcoma in childhood. Unfallchirurg. 111(7):559-62. 0,645

158. Sadeghi M, Daniel V, Naujokat C, Schnitz-ler P, Schidt J, Mehrabi A, Zeier M, Opelz G: Dysregulated Cytokine Responses During Cy-tomegalovirus Infection in renal Transplant Recipients. Transplantation. 86(2): 275-285. 3,972

159. Saxena AK, van Tuil C: Intrauterine intus-susception in Etiology of Jejunal Atresia. Dig Surg. 25(3):187. 1,397

160. Schädel-Höpfner M, Diener MK, Windolf J: Gesicherte Literaturergebnisse zur Therapie distaler Radiusfrakturen. Trauma Berufskh. 10(S2): 230-235

161. Schädel-Höpfner M, Windolf J, Antes G, Sau-erland S, Diener MK: Evidence-Based Hand Surger y: The Role of Cochrane Reviews. J Hand Surg-Eur Vol. 33(2): 110-117. 0,844 162. Sche f f J , Büchl er P, Bald C , Mehr a -b i A , Schemme r P, F r i e ss H , Büch -l e r M W : L e b e r r e s e k t i o n u n t e r chirurgischen ökonomischen und patienteno-rientierten Aspekten. Chir Praxis. 69: 179-190

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