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207 Jahresbericht 2008 – 2009

163. Schemmer P, Bruns H, Weitz J, Schmidt J, Büchler MW: Liver transection using vascular stapler: a re-view. HPB (Oxford). 10(4): 249:52

164. Schemmer P, Nickkholgh A, Schneider H, Sobi-rey M, Weigand M, Koch M, Weitz J, Büchler MW: PORTAL: Pilot study on the safety and tolerance of preoperative melatonin application in patients un-dergoing major liver resection: a double-blind ran-domized placebo-controlled trial. BMC Surg. 8(1):2 165. Schenk JP, Graf N, Günther P, Ley S, Göppl M, Ku-lozik A, Rohrschneider WK, Tröger J: Role of MRI in the management of patients with nephroblastoma. Eur Radiol. 18(4):683-91. 2,554

166. Schirmacher P, Büchler MW: Ampullary adeno-carcinoma - differentiation matters. BMC Cancer. 8:251. 2,359

167. Schlaeger C, Longerich T, Schiller C, Bewerunge P, Mehrabi A, Toedt G, Kleeff J, Ehemann V, Eils R, Licher P, Schirmacher P, Radlwimmer B: Etiolo-gy-dependent molecular mechanisms in human hepatocarcinogenesis. Hepatology. 47(2):511-20. 10,446

168. Schlosser K, Schmitt CP, Barholomaeus JE, Suchan KL, Büchler MW, Rothmund M, Weber T: Parathyro-idectomy for Renal Hyperparathyroidism in Child-ren and Adolescents. World J Surg. 32(5):801-6. 1,765

169. Schmidt J, Müller SA, Mehrabi A, Schemmer P, Büchler MW: Or thotope Leber transplantation: Technik und Ergebnisse. Chirurg. 79(2):112-20. 0,489

170. Schmidt T, Koch M, Antolovic D, Reissfelder C, Schmitz-Winnenthal FH, Rahbari NN, Schmidt J, Seiler CM, Büchler MW, Weitz J: Influence of two different resection techniques (conventional liver resection versus anterior approach) of liver meta-stases from colorectal cancer on hematogenous tumor cell dissemination - prospective randomized multicenter trial. BMC Surg. 8(1) : 6

171. Schneider M, Weitz J: Akuter Sauerstof fmangel und Hypoxietoleranz. Deut Med Wochenschr. 133(42):2168-72

172. Schulze T, Kemmner W, Weitz J, Wernecke KD, Schirrmacher V, Schlag PM: Ef f iciency of adju-vant active specific immunization with Newcastle disease virus modified tumor cells in colorectal cancer patients following resection of liver meta-stases: results of a prospective randomized trial. Cancer Immunol Immun. 58(1):61-9: 4,313 173. Schwitalle Y, Kloor M, Eiermann S, Linnebacher M, Kienle P, Knaebel HP, Tariverdian M, Benner A, Knebel Doeberitz M: Immune response against

frameshif t-neopeptitdes in HNPCCpatients and healthy HNPCC mutation carriers: Gastroenterolo-gy. 134(4):988-97. 12,457

174. Seiler CM, Wente MN: Rekrutierende multizen-trische chirurgische Studien in Deutschland. Chi-rurg. 79(1): 77-79. 0,489

175. Seiler CM, Wente MN: Rekrutierende multizen-trische chirurgische Studien in Deutschland. Chi-rurg. 79(4): 365-367. 0,489

176. Seiler CM, Wente MN: Rekrutierende multizen-trische chirurgische Studien in Deutschland. Chi-rurg. 79(8): 773-775. 0,489

177. Seiler CM, Wente MN: Rekrutierende multizen-trische chirurgische Studien in Deutschland. Chi-rurg. 79(12): 1165-1168. 0,489

178. Serba S, Schmidt J, Wentzensen N, Ryschich E, Märten A: Transfection with CD40L induces tumour suppression by dendritic cell activation in an or-thotopic mouse model of pancreatic adenocarcino-ma. Gut. 57(3):344-51. 9,002

179. Sergi C, Gross W, Mory M, Schaefer M, Gebhard MM: Biliary-Type Cytokeratin Pattern in a Canine Isolated Perfused Liver Transplantation Model. J Surg Res. 146(2): 164-71. 2,038

180. Sido B, Lasitschka F, Giese T, Gassler N, Funke B, Schröder-Braunstein J, Brunnemer U, Meuer SC, Autschbach F: A prominent role for mucosal cysti-ne/cysteteine metabolism in intestinal immunore-gulation. Gastroenterology. 134(1): 179-91. 12,457 181. Sommer CM, Strobel O, Heye T, Loos M, Herpel E, Radeleff BA, Büchler MW, Richter GM: An unusual cause for massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding from an isolated ileocolonic varix caused by post-traumatic splanchnic vein occlusion. Int J Colorec-tal Dis. 23(7):733-4. 2,006

182. Sommerer C, Giese t, Schmidt J, Meuer S, Zeier M: Cyclosporin A Tapering Monitored by NFAT-Regula-ted Gene Expression: A New Concept of Individual Immunosuppression. Transplantation. 85(1):15-21. 3,972

183. Steinke V, Rahner N, Morak M, Keller G, Schackert HK, Görgens H, Schmiegel W, Royer-Pokora B, Dietmaier W, Kloor M, Engel C, Propping P, Aretz S. German HNPCC Consortium. No association bet-ween MUTYH and MSH6 germline mutations in 64 HNPCC patients. Eur J Hum Genet. 16(5):587-92. 3,697

184. Stickel F, Österreicher CH, Halangk J, Berg T, Ho-mann N, Hellerbrand C, Patsenker E, Schneider V, Kolb A, Friess H, Schuppan D, Puhl G, Seitz HK, Leathart JL, Day CP: No Role of Matrixmetallopro-teinase-3 Genetic Promoter Polymorphism 1171 as

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