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208 Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie

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186. Swoboda S, Ober M, Hainer C, Lichtenstern C, Seiler C, Wendt C, Hoppe-Tichy T, Büchler M, Weigand MA: Tigecycline for the treat-ment of patients with severe sepsis or septic shock: a drug use evaluation in a surgical intensive care unit: J Antimicrob Chemoth. 61(3):729-33. 3,891

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188. Ulrich AB, Seiler CM, Z`Graggen K, Löffler T, Weitz J, Büchler MW: Early results from a ran-domized clinical trial of colon pouch versus transverse coloplasty pouch after low ante-rior resection for rectal cancer. Brit J Surg. 95(10):1257-63. 4,092

189. Wagner P, Koch M, Nummer D, Palm S, Galin-do L, Autenrieth D, Schmitz-Winnenthal FH, Schirrmacher V, Büchler MW, Beckhove P, Weitz, J: Detection and Functional Analysis of Tumor Infiltrating T-Lymphocytes (TIL) in Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer: Ann Surg Oncol. 15(8):2310-7. 3,329 190. Weigand K, Ganten TM, Andrulis M, Strem-mel W, Sauer P, Schaible A: Chronic anemia masking a primary large B-cell lymphoma of the small intestine, finally diagnosed by double-balloon enteroscopy. Endoscopy. 40 Suppl 2:E149. 3,605

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194. Welsch T, Frommhold K, Hinz U, Weigand MA, Kleeff J, Friess H, Büchler MW, Schmidt

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195. Wente MN, Büchler MW: Re: An Antecolic Roux-En-Y Type Reconstruction Decreased Delayed Gastric Emptying After Pylorus-Pre-serving Pancreatoduodenectomy by Mura-kami et al. J Gastrointest Surg. 12(10):1812. author reply 1813-4. 2,265

196. Wente MN, Büchler MW, Weitz J: Gastrointe-stinale Stromatumoren (GIST):Chirurgische Therapie. Chirurg. 79(7):638-43. 0,489 197. Wente MN, Fischer L, Seiler CM: Rekrutieren-de multizentrische chirurgische Studien in Deutschland: Zwischenbilanz ein Jahr nach Einführung der Rubrik. Chirurg. 79(8):773-5. 0,489

198. Wente MN, Gaida MM, Mayer C, Michalski CW, Haag N, Giese T, Felix K, Bergmann F, Giese NA, Friess H: Expression and potenti-al function of the CXC chomokine CXCL16 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Int J On-col. 33(2): 297-308. 2,556

199. Wente MN, Mayer C, Gaida MM, Michalski CW, Giese T, Bergmann F, Giese NA, Büchler MW, Friess H: CXCL 14 expression and po-tential function in pancreatic cancer. Cancer Lett. 259(2):209-17. 3,277

200.Wente MN, Seiler CM, Siewert JR: Column „Klinische Studien“ Ergebnisse der Leserum-frage zur Rubrik „Klinische Studien“. Chirurg. 79(8): 771-2. 0,489

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202.Zhu Y, Tibensky I, Schmidt J, Hackert T, Ry-schich E, Jäger D, Büchler MW, Märten A: Interferon-alpha in Combination With Che-motherapy has Potent Antiangiogenic Pro-per ties in an Or thotopic Mouse Model for Pancreatic Adenocarcinomas. J Immunother. 31(1):28-33. 4,508

203.Zhu Y, Tibensky I, Schmidt J, Ryschich E, Märten A: Interferon-alpha enhances antitu-mor effect of chemotherapy in an orthotopic mouse model for pancreatic adenocarci-noma: J Immunother. 31(7):599-606. 4,508

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