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210 Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie

12.2 Publikationen 2009


1. Abiatari I, DeOliveira T, Kerkadze V, Schwa-ger C, Esposito I, Giese NA, Huber P, Berg-man F, Abdollahi A, Friess H, Kleeff J: Con-sensus transcriptome signature of perineural invasion in pancreatic carcinoma. Mol Cancer Ther. 8(6):1494-504

2. Abiatari I, Gillen S, DeOliveira T, Klose T, Bo K, Giese NA, Friess H, Kleeff J: The microtu-bule-associated protein MAPRE2 is involved in perineural invasion of pancreatic cancer cells: Int J Oncol: 35(5):1111-6

3. Abiatari I, Kiladze M, Kerkadze V, Friess H, Kleeff J: Expression of YPEL1 in pancreatic cancer cell lines and tissues. Georgian Med News. (175):60-2

4. Angelova AL, Aprahamian M, Grekova SP, Hajri A, Leuchs B, Giese NA, Dinsart C, Herr-mann A, Balboni G, Rommelaere J, Raykov Z: Improvement of gemcitabine-based the-rapy of pancreatic carcinoma by means of oncolytic parvovirus H-1PV. Clin Cancer Res. 15(2):511-9

5. Antolovic D, Reissfelder C, Koch M, Mertens B, Schmidt J, Büchler MW, Weitz J: Surgical treatment of sigmoid diverticulitis-analysis of predictive risk factors for postoperative infections, surgical complications, and mor-tality. Int J Colorectal Dis. 24(5):577-84 6. Apel A, Groth A, Schlesinger S, Bruns H, Schemmer P, Büchler MW, Herr I: Suitability of human mesenchymal stem cells for gene therapy depends on the expansion medium. Exp Cell Res. 315(3):498-507

7. Apel A, Zentgraf H, Büchler MW, Herr I: Au-tophagy-A double-edged sword in oncology. Int J Cancer. 125(5):991-5

8. Apostolidis L, Kahlert C, Siegmund A, Thom R, Horstmann S, Jäger D, Lordick F: Re-mission of paraneoplastic dermatomyositis associated with hepatocellular carcinoma under prednisolone and azathiopin, and con-committant sorafenib. Onkologie. 32(1-2):50-3

9. Bachmann J, Ketterer K, Marsch C, Fechtner K, Krakowski-Roosen H, Büchler MW, Friess H, Martignoni ME: Pancreatic cancer rela-ted cachexia: influence on metabolism and correlation to weight loss and pulmonar y function. BMC Cancer. 9(1):255

10. Bandapalli OR, Dihlmann S, Helwa R, Ma-cher-Goeppinger S, Weitz J, Schirmacher P,

Brand K: Transcriptional activation of the be-ta-catenin gene at the invasion front of colo-rectal liver metastases. J Pathol. 218(3):370-9

11. Barkun JS, Aronson JK, Feldman LS, Maddern GJ, Strasberg SM: Balliol Collaboration, Alt-man DG, Barkun JS, Blazeby JM, Boutron IC, Campbell WB, Clavien PA, Cook JA, Ergina PL, Flum DR, Glasziou P, Marshall JC, McCul-loch P, Nicholl J, Reeves BC, Seiler CM, Mea-kins JL, Ashby D, Black N, Bunker J, Burton M, Campbell M, Chalkidou K, Chalmers I, de Leval M, Deeks J, Grant A, Gray M, Green-halgh R, Jenicek M, Kehoe S, Lilford R, Little-johns P, Loke Y, Madhock R, McPherson K, Rothwell P, Summerskill B, Taggart D, Tekkis P, Thompson M, Treasure T, Trohler U, Van-denbroucke J: Evaluation and stages of surgi-cal innovations. Lancet. 374(9695):1089-96 12. Bauer A, Kleeff J, Bier M, Wirtz M, Kayed H, Esposito I, Korc M, Hafner M, Hoheisel JD, Friess H: Identification of malignancy factors by analyzing cystic tumors of the pancreas. Pancreatology. 9(1-2):34-44

13. Bazhin AV, Kahnert S, Kimpfler S, Schaden-dorf D, Umansky V: Distinct metabolism of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in regula-tory and helper CD4(+) T cells. Mol Immunol. 47, 678-684

14. Beimler JH, Morath C, Schmidt J, Ovens J, Opelz G, Rahmel A, Zeier M, Süsal C: Suc-cessful deceased-donor kidney transplan-tation in crossmatch-positive patients with peritransplant plasma exchange and Rituxi-mab. Transplantation. 87(5):668-71 15. Berberat PO, Künzli BM, Gulbinas A, Rama-nauskas T, Kleeff J, Müller MW, Wagner M, Friess H, Büchler MW: An audit of outcomes of a series of periampullary carcinomas. EJ-SO-Eur J Surg Oncol. 35(2):187-91

16. Bergmann F, Breinig M, Höpfner M, Rieker RJ, Fischer L, Köhler C, Esposito I, Kleeff J, Herpel E, Ehemann V, Friess H, Schirmacher P, Kern MA: Expression pattern and functio-nal relevance of epidermal growth factor re-ceptor and cyclooxygenase-2: novel chemo-therapeutic targets in pancreatic endocrine tumors?. Am J Gastroenterol. 104(1):171-81 17. Bergmann F, Ceyhan GO, Rieker RJ, Esposito I, Fischer L, Herpel E, Friess H, Schirmacher P, Kern MA: Fundamental differences in the neural invasion behavior of pancreatic endo-

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