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211 Jahresbericht 2008 – 2009

crine tumors: relevance for local recurrence rates?. Hum Pathol. 40(1):50-7

18. Bernhard M, Busch CJ, Hainer C, Wente MN, Scheuren K, Rauch H, Martin E, Weigand MA: Is a 4 days transoesophageal training course sufficient to diagnose shock related patholo-gies?. Resuscitation. 80(9):1019-24

19. Bin ț in ț an V, Gutt CN, Mehrabi A, Yazdi SF, Kashfi A, Funariu G, Ciuce C: Gas-chamber mediastinoscopy for dissection of the upper esophagus. Chirurgia (Bucur). 104(1):67-72 20. Bin ț in ț an VV, Mehrabi A, Fonouni H, Esma-eilzadeh M, Müeller-Stich BP, Funariu G, Ci-uce C, Gutt CN: Feasibility of a High Intratho-racic Esophagogastric Anastomosis Without Thoracic Access After Laparoscopic-Assisted Transhiatal Esophagectomy . A Pilot Experi-mental Study: Surg Innov. 16(3):228-36 21. Bin ț in ț an VV, Mehrabi A, Fonouni H, Golriz M, Köninger J, Kashfi A, Funariu G, Buechler MW, Ciuce C, Gutt CN: Evaluation of the com-bined laparoscopic and mediastinoscopic esophagectomy technique. Chirurgia (Bucur). 104(2):187-94

22. Bonertz A, Weitz J, Pietsch DH, Rahbari NN, Schlude C, Ge Y, Juenger S, Vlodavsky I, Kha-zaie K, Jaeger D, Reissfelder C, Antolovic D, Aigner M, Koch M, Beckhove P: Antigen-spe-cific Tregs control T cell responses against a limited repertoire of tumor antigens in pati-ents with colorectal carcinoma. J Clin Invest. 19(11):3311-21

23. Börner A, Warnken U, Schnölzer M, Hagen J, Giese N, Bauer A, Hoheisel J: Subcellular protein extraction from human pancreatic cancer tissues. Biotechniques. 46(4):297-304 24. Braumann C, Gutt CN, Scheele J, Menenakos C, Willems W, Mueller JM, Jacobi CA: Tauroli-dine reduces the tumor stimulating cytokine interleukin-1beta in patients with resectable gastrointestinal cancer: a multicentre pro-spective randomized trial. World J Surg On-col. 23:7:32

25. Braun A, Treede I, Gotthardt D, Tietje A, Zahn A, Ruhwald R, Schoenfeld U, Welsch T, Kienle P, Erben G, Lehmann WD, Fuelle-krug J, Stremmel W, Ehehalt R: Alterations of phospholipid concentration and species composition of the intestinal mucus barrier in ulcerative colitis. A clue to pathogene-sis Inf lamm Bowel Dis. 15(11):1705-20.

26. Bruhns A: (Schemmer P) Neues Leben mit Nebenwirkungen. Der Spiegel (Wissen). 2: 24-30

27. Bruns H, Diener MK, Contin P, Büchler MW, Seiler CM: Chirurgische Therapie der chro-nischen Kopfpankreatitis. CHAZ. 16(4): 227-232

28. Bruns H, Rahbari NN, Loffler T, Diener MK, Seiler CM, Glanemann M, But tur ini G, Schuhmacher C, Rossion I, Buchler MW, Junghans T, Trial Group D: Perioperative ma-nagement in distal pancreatectomy. results of a survey in 23 European participating cen-tres of the DISPACT trial and a review of lite-rature. Trials. 10(1):58

29. Bruns H, von Frankenberg M, Radeleff B, Schultze D, Büchler MW, Schemmer P: Chi-rurgische Therapie des Lebertraumas. Chi-rurg. 80(10):915-22

30. Büchler MW, Martignoni ME, Friess H, Mal-fertheiner P: A proposal for a new clinical classif ication of chronic pancreatitis. BMC Gastroenterol. 9(1):93

31. Büchler MW, Riemann JF: Viszeralmedizin: Komplexe Krankheitsbilder aus gastroente-rologischer und chirurgischer Sicht. Gastro-enterologe. 4(5): 391-392

32. Büchler MW, Wente MN: Funktions- und or-ganerhaltende Pankreaschirurgie. Chirurg. 80(1):5-6

33. Büchler MW, Wente MN: Akute Appendizitis: Aktueller chirurgischer Stellenwert der Dia-gnostik und Standards der Therapie. Chirurg. 80(7):577-8

34. Büchler MW: Schemmer P: Das Lebertrauma. Chirurg. 80(10)

35. Büchler P, Reber HA, Tomlinson JS, Hankin-son O, Kallifatidis G, Friess H, Herr I, Hines OJ: Transcriptional regulation of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor by hy-poxia-inducible factor 1 is crucial for invasi-on of pancreatic and liver cancer. Neoplasia. 11(2):196-206

36. Carter R, Stocken DD, Ghaneh P, Bramhall SR, Olah A, Kelemen D, Bassi C, Friess H, Dervenis C, Spry N, Büchler MW, Neopto-lemos JP: for the European Study Group for Pancreatic Cancer (ESPAC): Longitudinal qua-lity of life data can provide insights on the impact of adjuvant treatment for pancreatic cancer-Subset analysis of the ESPAC-1 data. Int J Cancer. 124(12):2960-5

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