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213 Jahresbericht 2008 – 2009

Macher-Goeppinger S, Sido B, Schirmacher P, Meuer SC, Roth W: Functional characte-rization of Decoy Receptor 3 in Crohn‘s di-sease. Gut. 58(4):483-91

54. Giesler M, Fritz H, Kadmon M, Stolz K, Wirtz HP, Biller S: Lehrevaluation an den Medizi-nischen Fakultäten Baden-Württembergs. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 102(10):662-7 55. Giger U, Wente MN, Büchler MW, Krähenbühl S, Lerut J, Krähenbühl L: Endoscopic retro-peritoneal neurectomy for chronic pain after groin surgery. Brit J Surg. 96(9):1076-1081 56. Golling M, Fonouni H, Mehrabi A, McArthur N, Huber FX: Crush syndrome due to drug-induced compar tment syndrome: a rare condition not to be overlooked. Surg Today. 39(7):558-65

57. Gotthardt D, Weiss KH, Baumgär tner M, Zahn A, Stremmel W, Schmidt J, Bruckner T, Sauer P: Limitations of the MELD score in predicting mortality or need for removal from waiting list in patients awaiting liver trans-plantation. BMC Gastroenterol. 25:9:72 58. Guan X, Dei-Anane G, Bruns H, Chen J, Nick-kholgh A, Liang R, Gross ML, Kern M, Ludwig J, Büchler MW, Schemmer P: Danshen pro-tects kidney grafts from ischemia/reperfusi-on injury after experimental transplantation. Transpl Int. 22(2):232-41

59. Günther P, Tröger J, Holland-Cunz S, Beh-nisch W, Hinz U, Romero P, Schenk JP: Sur-gical Complications in Abdominal Tumor Surgery in Children. Experiences at a Sin-gle Oncological Center. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 19(5):297-303

60. Gutt CN, Müller-Stich BP, Reiter MA: Success and complication parameters for laparosco-pic surgery. a benchmark for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery. Endosco-py. 41(1):36-41

61. Hackert T, Büchler MW, Werner J: Surgical management of pancreatic cancer - standard and extended resections. Eur Surg. 41/6: 293-299

62. Hackert T, Büchler MW, Werner J: Surgical options in the management of pancreatic cancer. Minerva Chir. 64(5):465-76

63. Hackert T, Hartwig W, Fritz S, Schneider L, Strobel O, Werner J: Ischemic acute pancre-atitis: clinical features of 11 patients and re-view of the literature. Am J Surg. 197(4):450-4

64. Hackert T, Sperber R, Hartwig W, Fritz S, Schneider L, Gebhard MM, Werner J: P-Se-lectin Inhibition Reduces Severity of Acute Experimental Pancreatitis. Pancreatology. 9(4):369-374

65. Halama N, Michel S, Kloor M, Zoernig I, Pommerencke T, von Knebel Doeberitz M, Schirmacher P, Weitz J, Grabe N, Jäger D: The localization and density of immune cells in primary tumors of human metastatic co-lorectal cancer shows an association with response to chemotherapy. Cancer Immun. 19:9:1

66. Hampe W, Hissbach J, Kadmon M, Kadmon G, Klusmann D, Scheutzel P: Wer wird ein guter Arzt? Verfahren zur Auswahl von Studieren-den der Human- und Zahnmedizin. Bundes-gesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Ge-sundheitsschutz. 52(8):821-30

67. Hartwig W, Hackert T, Hinz U, Hassenpflug M, Strobel O, Büchler MW, Werner J: Multi-visceral resection for pancreatic malignan-cies: risk-analysis and long-term outcome. Ann Surg. 250(1):81-7

68. Hartwig W, Schneider L, Diener MK, Berg-mann F, Büchler MW, Werner J: Preoperative tissue diagnosis for tumours of the pancreas. Brit J Surg. 96(1):5-20

69. Hartwig W, Werner J, Büchler MW: Translumi-nal endoscopic necrosectomy. revisitied from the surgeon‘s perspective. Gut. 59:275-276 70. Hassanin H, Serba S, Schmidt J, Märten A: Ex vivo expanded telomerase-specific T cells are effective in an orthotopic mouse model for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Clin Exp Im-munol. 158(1):125-32

71. Herr I, Buechler MW: Glukosinolate der Kreuzblütlerfamilie in Prävention und Thera-pie maligner Tumore. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie. 3, 109-114

72. Hofer S, Brenner T, Bopp C, Steppan J, Lich-tenstern C, Weitz J, Bruckner T, Martin E, Hoffmann U, Weigand MA: Cell death serum biomarkers are early predictors for survival in severe septic patients with hepatic dys-function. Crit Care. 13(3):R93

73. Hofer S, Rosenhagen C, Nakamura H, Yo-doi J, Bopp C, Zimmermann JB, Goebel M, Schemmer P, Hoffmann K, Schulze-Osthoff K, Breitkreutz R, Weigand MA: Thioredoxin in human and experimental sepsis. Crit Care Med. 37(7):2155-9

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