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214 Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie

74. Hoffmann K, Büchler MW, Schemmer P: Chi-rurgische Behandlungsstrategien des hepato-zellulären Karzinoms (HCC). Hepatitis. 1, 22-25 75. Hoffmann K, Schmidt J: Neue chirurgische Ansätze beim hepatozellulären Karzinom. Z Gastroenterol. 47(1):61-7

76. Hof fmann K, Weigand MA, Hillebrand N, Büchler MW, Schmidt J, Schemmer P: Is ve-no-venous bypass still needed during liver transplantation? A review of the literature. Clin Transplant. 23(1):1-8

77. Holland-Cunz S, Günther P: Fast Track in der Kinderchirurgie. Chirurg. 80(8):719-23 78. Huber FX, McArthur N, Tanner M, Gritzbach B, Schoierer O, Rothfischer W, Krohmer G, Lessl E, Baier M, Meeder PJ, Kasperk C: Ky-phoplasty for patients with multiple myeloma is a safe surgical procedure: results from a large patient cohort. Clin Lymphoma Myelo-ma. 9(5):375-80

79. Hyhlik-Dürr A, Geisbüsch P, Hakimi M, Weber TF, Schaible A, Böckler D: Endovaskuläre Aor-tenchirurgie: Management sekundärer aorto-bronchialer und -enteraler Fisteln. Chirurg. 80(10):947-55

80. Issa Y, Nummer D, Seibel T, Müerköster SS, Koch M, Schmitz-Winnenthal FH, Galindo L, Weitz J, Beckhove P, Altevogt P: Enhanced L1CAM expression on pancreatic tumor endo-thelium mediates selective tumor cell trans-migration. J Mol Med. 87(1):99-112

81. Jester I , Holland-Cunz S, Lof f S, Hosie S, Reinshagen K, Wir th H, Ali M, Waag KL: Transanal pull-through procedure for Hirschsprung‘s disease: a 5-year experience. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 19(2):68-71

82. Jiang X, Abiatari I, Kong B, Erkan M, De Oliveira T, Giese NA, Michalski CW, Friess H, Kleeff J: Pancreatic islet and stellate cells are the main sources of endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor/prokine-ticin-1 in pancreatic cancer. Pancreatology. 9(1-2):165-72

83. Jung T, Castellana D, Klingbeil P, Hernández IC, Vitacolonna M, Orlicky DJ, Roffler SR, Brodt P, Zöller M: CD44v6 dependence of pre-metastatic niche preparation by exosomes. Neoplasia. 11(10):1093-105Kadmon M, Roth S, Porsche M, Schürer S, Engel C, Kadmon G: Das interaktive Chirurgische Logbuch im Praktischen Jahr: Eine mehrjährige Retro-spektive. GMS. 26(2): 1-14

84. Kahlert C, Weber H, Mogler C, Bergmann F, Schirmacher P, Kenngott HG, Matterne U, Mollberg N, Rahbari NN, Hinz U, Koch M, Aigner M, Weitz J: Increased expression of ALCAM/CD166 in pancreatic cancer is an in-dependent prognostic marker for poor sur-vival and early tumour relapse. Brit J Cancer. 101(3):457-64:

85. Kallifatidis G, Rausch V, Baumann B, Apel A, Beckermann BM, Groth A, Mattern J, Li Z, Kolb A, Moldenhauer G, Altevogt P, Wirth T, Werner J, Schemmer P, Büchler MW, Salnikov AV, Herr I: Sulforaphane targets pancreatic tumor-initiating cells by NF-{kappa}B-induced anti-apoptotic signaling. Gut. 58(7):949-63 86. Ketterer K, Kong B, Frank D, Giese NA, Bauer A, Hoheisel J, Korc M, Kleeff J, Michalski CW, Friess H: Neuromedin U is overexpressed in pancreatic cancer and increases invasive-ness via the hepatocyte growth factor c-Met pathway. Cancer Lett. 277(1):72-81

87. Klauss M, Alt CD, Welzel T, Werner J, Büch-ler MW, Richter GM, Kauffmann GW, Kauczor HU, Grenacher L: Multidetector CT Evaluation of the Course of Nonresectable Pancreatic Carcinomas with Neoadjuvant Therapy. Pan-creatology. 9(5):621-630

88. Klauss M, Schöbinger M, Wolf I, Werner J, Meinzer HP, Kauczor HU, Grenacher L: Va-lue of three-dimensional reconstructions in pancreatic carcinoma using multidetector CT. initial results. World J Gastroentero 15(46):5827-32

89. Klingbeil P, Marhaba R, Jung T, Kirmse R, Ludwig T, Zöller M: CD44 Variant Isoforms Promote Metastasis Formation by a Tumor Cell-Matrix Cross-talk That Supports Adhe-sion and Apoptosis Resistance. Mol Cancer Res. 7(2):168-79

90. Knebel P, Fischer L, Huesing J, Hennes R, Büchler MW, Seiler CM: Randomized clinical trial of a modif ied Seldinger technique for open central venous cannulation for implan-table access devices. Brit J Surg. 96(2):159-65 91. Knebel P, Seiler CM: Masterstudiengänge: Stärkung der Chirurgie in der patientenorien-tierten Forschung. Chirurgie im Blick. 2 92. Koch M, Büchler MW: Chirurgie des Kolonkar-zinoms. Der Onkologe. 5 Seiten

93. Koch M, Büchler MW: Chirurgie in Heidel-berg: Tradition und Innovation. Deutsche Ge-sellschaft für Chirurgie. 2:128-129

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