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We strive to celebrate diversity of cul-
tures and thoughts among our staff and
students, commensurate with our global
orientation in research and teaching.
Examples for social events include ethnic
cooking sessions, yoga groups, hiking/
biking events, film clubs, parties, whether
it be for celebrating birthdays, vital events,
doctoral defences or christmas/season
parties to name just a few.
In 2012, the Institute will celebrate its 50th
anniversary with a symposium "Global
Health in the 21st Century" (September
13-15). With its roots in the South Asia Insti-
tute, its change to the Institute of Hygiene,
the focus on global health with the integra-
tion of clinical tropical medicine in the newly
founded "Department of Infectious Disea-
ses" the institute will attempt an outlook to
the challenges lying ahead, from universal
coverage, climate change the continuing
threat of infectious diseases and the rising
pandemic of non-communicable diseases
in an aging world. At the same time the
institute will celebrate (with) its partners in
the North and the South.
Jubilee Conference
Humboldt Fellow Maduni Madanayake (left side) meeting Federal President Gauck in Berlin.