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Second international conference on
"Global health and preventive medicine",
14. – 16./17. June 2011, Heidelberg
Under the patronage of the Federal and
State Ministries of Research, an internatio-
nal conference on global health & preven-
tive medicine was held in Heidelberg,
Germany from 14. – 16. June 2011.
Prevention plays a key role in addressing
global health challenges such as the
control of pandemics, the rising tide of
non-communicable diseases, and the
spread of violence and injuries. In order
to be effective, preventive strategies need
to include underlying causes of avoidable
morbidity and mortality by promoting
polices that foster a healthy environment,
healthy life styles and equitable access to
health care and information. So far, the
global health debate has not paid the due
attention to the potential of prevention and
health promotion. Thus, this conference
aimed addressing this gap by 3 days of
presentations and intensive deliberations
with more than 100 speakers and 500 par-
ticipants from many disciplines and policy
makers from 31 countries around the world.
The discussion was organized along the
following broad issues
›› Self-empowerment, lifestyle / life care
and education for good health and life
long well-being
›› How to best promote health by addres-
sing the leading global risk factors
›› Partnerships for health across disciplines,
institutions and traditional policy areas
›› Alternative intercultural preventative
medical approaches, to focus on the use
of different cultural backgrounds
›› Good governance, policy relevance, and
corporate social responsibility
Thematic topics included the control of non-
communicable diseases and communicable
diseases, harmful use of alcohol, violence,
smoking, environmental health and climate
change, sanitation, health promotion and
health systems. At the crossroads of non-
communicable diseases and communicable
diseases the new horizon of the debate on
health for all is moving towards the post-
MDG 2015 agenda. Thus the main conclu-
sions of the conference was summarized in
the Heidelberg Declaration.
Global Health Conference
Heidelberg 2011
Chamber music hall in the conference location, the Kongresshalle Heidelberg