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Reproductive Health
Group leader:
Dr. Florian Neuhann
Group members:
Dr. Sabine Gabrysch*
Prof. Albrecht Jahn*
Prof. Olaf Müller*
Prof. Malabika Sarker*
PD Dr. Heribert Ramroth*
Sandra Barteit
Phillip Hoepfner
*Associated members
Doctoral students:
Florian Scheibe
Julia Lübbert
Nicola Glaser
Saskia Nahrgang
Antje Theurer
Effects of antiretrovirals for HIV
on African health systems,
maternal and child health
Project team:
Prof. Malabika Sarker (head), Hilde Gold-
Feuchtmüller, Saskia Nahrgang, Dr. Florian
Neuhann, Prof. Olaf Müller, Florian Scheibe,
Paul Conrad
ARVMAC was a large EU FP6 funded project
conducted by a large consortium in which
the HIPH took a work package on quality of
care in antenatal care, including prevention
of mother to child transmission of HIV (HIPH,
Malabika Sarker) and for antiretroviral thera-
py (HIPH Florian Neuhann). Several other
researchers of the Institute have been
involved in and contributed to the project
(Manuela De Allegri, Albrecht Jahn, Olaf
Müller) and results have been analyzed for
doctoral theses, master theses and publica-
Recent years have seen progress in maternal
and child health with decreasing maternal and
under 5 mortality, however this progress does
not apply everywhere in the world and im-
provement around maternal health and child
health will remain a priority for global health
even in the post MDG era. Within our institute
we address this topic in close relation to HIV
not least because some countries in particu-
lar in Sub-Saharan Africa with high maternal
mortality face generalized HIV epidemics
simultaneously. Further the sexual transmis-
sion of HIV and mother to child transmission
also link these health topics. The reproductive
health and HIV/AIDS thematic group works
in close cooperation with other groups in
particular the disease control in disadvantaged
populations group and the health service &
quality management.
Sub-Section HIV: The focus of projects in HIV
lies on treatment of HIV and opportunistic
infections and complications, quality of health
services structures and processes, retention
in HIV care, competence of patients and
adherence to treatment. All projects inclu-
de elements of capacity building in partner
countries and for young researchers in North
and South.