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an e-learning platform has been developed
and operational research conducted e.g. to
perform a situational analysis of the quality
of care and to investigate the causes of fever
among patients admitted to the department.
Results of both studies have been presented
at international conferences and are in the
process of publication. Since 2012 a second
ESTHER partnership was funded by ESTHER
between the Lighthouse, the Infectious
Disease Clinic of Cologne and the HIPH.
Addressing the challenges of
service quality: innovations in
patient care and service efficien-
cy in a large public ART clinic
in a resource limited setting
Project team:
Dr. Florian Neuhann (head), Julia Lübbert,
Nicola Glaser , PD Dr. Heribert Ramroth,
Hilde Gold-Feuchtmüller
The Hector Foundation in Germany funds
projects for a study period of five years,
there are some sub-projects still ongoing.
Project partner is the Lighthouse Trust in
Lilongwe, Malawi, which runs two large
centres for comprehensive HIV prevention,
treatment and care services. The program
aims to analyse and consequently inform
public treatment programs with regards to
quality and efficiency.
Florian Neuhann with Director Dr. Sam Phiri and members of the management team of Lighthouse