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Epidemiology in HeiCuMed
The new "Approbationsordnung" includes
epidemiology as part of the so-called Quer-
schnittsfach "Epidemiology, medical biomet-
ry and medical informatics" as a compulsory
subject within the "HeiCuMed" curriculum
for medical students. Professor Heiko Becher
has been appointed by the medical faculty
as the responsible scientist for organisation
and teaching of the epidemiology modu-
le. Teaching takes part in small groups of
about 35 students. The students learn basic
concepts in epidemiology, including relevant
measures, study designs, and principles
to analyse observational studies. Practical
exercises are incorporated in the course for
a better comprehension of the theoretical
principles. Teaching materials are regularly
updated and the lectures are supplemented
by examples from recently published studies.
Together with colleagues from the German
Cancer Research Centre, the following mem-
bers of the unit contribute to the teaching in
this course which is conducted in German:
Prof. Dr. Heiko Becher, Prof. Dr. Olaf Müller,
PD Dr. Heribert Ramroth, Dr. Sabine Gabrysch,
Dr. Volker Winkler
Public health in HeiCuMed
Prevention, health promotion / health
Number of Students in 2010/2011:
320 (95% German, 5% international)
Teaching staff (Institute of Public Health):
Manuela De Allegri, Dr. Olaf Horstick, Gerald
Leppert, PD Dr. Michael Marx, Roland Panea
(evaplan GmbH), Prof. Dr. Rainer Sauerborn,
Prof. Dr. Annelies Wilder-Smith, Hans-Chris-
tian Stahl
Partner Institutes/Co-organizer:
Department of General Medicine and
Health Care Research, Department of
Sports Medicine
Course content (covered by the HIPH):
Public Health:
Introduction to health
systems; principles and structure of the
German health system; global perspec-
tive in health and prevention
Health Economics:
Definition and assess-
ment of condition, requirements and
needs, methods of economic evaluation,
guidelines and principles for health
financing, health insurance
Module in-charge/Coordinator
PD Dr. med. Michael Marx
Society for global health
This academic society offers medical stu-
dents and students from other faculties the
opportunity to deepen their understanding
and engage in debate on global health issu-
es beyond the scope of their core curricula
and disciplines. It involves a high level of
interactive teaching and self-organization,
and links students to global challenges such
as how to achieve universal access to health
care, health and environment, models for
research and innovation for neglected
diseases, human rights based approaches
to health and effectiveness and sustainabi-
lity of disease specific control programs.
At the same time the society aims to inform
and link students to ongoing research
projects and to involve and mainstream
Heidelberg’s international students and
researchers, along with their personal
experiences, into our global health related
teaching in research. Finally, the society
wants to raise awareness on ethical issues
and the University’s societal responsibility
related to Global Health.
DAAD Ärzteprogramm
Medical students from low- and middle-
income countries are not sufficiently
prepared by the German medical curriculum
to confront health problems in their home
countries. The DAAD supports us since
many years to teach thematic blocks during
weekends to foreign students from Africa,
Asia and Latin America. We organized 6 to 8
weekends per year, each with about 25 par-
ticipants coming from various German Uni-
versities. We have been pleased throughout
by the commitment of the students and
their strong interest in rearing themeselve to
work in their home countries on return. The
weekends are dedicated to subjects from
fields such as HIV/AIDS, sexual and repro-
ductive health, neglected tropical diseases,
health systems and health policy, tropical