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paediatrics, non-communicable diseases,
drug management, control programs.
Financial support by DAAD is essential for
this program and we are grateful that – after
restructuring its program lines – these
weekends continue as a special offer to
prepare medical students to some challen-
ges which they may face after they return to
their home countries.
Pädagogische Hochschule
Since 2008, the Institute of Public Health co-
vers the topic epidemiology in the "Pädago-
gische Hochschule" Heidelberg for students
who would like to achieve a bachelor in
"Gesundheitswissenschaften". The students
learn basic concepts in epidemiology, inclu-
ding relevant measures, study designs, and
principles to analyse observational studies.
The following members of the unit contri-
bute to the teaching within the reporting
period: Prof. Dr. Olaf Müller, PD Dr. Heribert
Ramroth, Dr. Volker Winkler, Prof. Dr. Heiko
The teaching language is German.