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Awards for students from the
PhD programme GRK 793
(members of the institute)
›› September 2007 -
Jördis Jennifer Ott
Volker Winkler
(3rd price, 250 €)
won young scientist prizes at the
meeting of the German Society for
Epidemiology, Augsburg.
›› September 2009 -
Volker Winkler
price) won a Stephan-Weiland-Price for
young scientists at the annual meeting
of the German Society of Epidemiology
(DGEpi) in Münster.
›› February 2011 -
Andreas Deckert
the 1st price of the best paper award
for his presentation at the 15th con-
ference of SAS users in research and
development (KSFE) in Heidelberg.
›› September 2011 –
Heiko Zimmermann
won the poster price at the joint annual
meeting of the German Society of Epi-
demiology (DGEpi) and the meeting of
the GMDS in Mainz.
Heiko Becher thanks Elke Braun-van der Hoeven for her excellent administrative support in the GRK 793 (final
symposium June 2011)
GRK 793 members at the final symposium in June 2011