Contribution to the Master's
programme in Medical Biometry
and Biostatistics
The Institute of Medical Biometry and
Informatics in Heidelberg (IMBI) offers a
postgraduate Master's programme in Medi-
cal Biometry and Statistics. The curriculum
covers the wide field of biostatistics and its
application in medical research as well as
lectures to deepen knowledge in specific
statistical methods and in medical topics.
Within the core curriculum, epidemiology as
a single module is taught. This block course
is coordinated and lectured by Prof. Heiko
Becher. Andreas Deckert is the coordinator
of the basic module biometry and is also an
active lecturer within this module.
Preparatory course for
professionals in health sector
development cooperation
Since 1974, the institute conducted certi-
ficate training courses to prepare profes-
sionals to work in health sector projects
in international development cooperation
founded by Prof Diesfeld. This course
actually formed the basis to later start the
Master's programme in International Health
in Heidelberg. Over the last 7 years the
course was coordinated by Florian Neuhann
and administratively managed by Hilde Gold
Feuchtmüller since 1994. The courses were
highly acclaimed for the early introduction
of multi-professional training and innovative
teaching methodologies.
Several generations of German professionals
in international health have started their
careers after participating in the course. The
curricula of course were adapted over time to
reflect changes in needs and demands as e.g
to address the HIV epidemic with a specific
course module. The funding through the
German Ministry of Economic Development
and Cooperation in collaboration with the
faith based development agency ended in
2011. The institute however has decided to
continue its involvement in this area and si-
gned a memorandum of understanding with
the Medical Mission Institutes in Tübingen
and Würzburg to offer courses under the
umbrella of an Academy of Global Health and
Development from 2013.
Participants of the preparatory course for professionals in 2011