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evaplan – Your Partner
in International Health
Profile – areas of expertise
evaplan undertakes advisory missions,
engages in operational research, and
implements projects and innovative training
programmes, including study tours, in the
field of international health.
evaplan’s professional staff has a broad
range of backgrounds covering public
health, epidemiology, sexual and repro-
ductive health, HIV and AIDS, health
economics, social sciences and medical
anthropology. All collaborators have first-
hand experience of working in low-resource
contexts and travel frequently on assign-
ments overseas. The evaplan team is mul-
ticultural and multilingual. Senior staff is
also involved in teaching in various training
programmes at the Heidelberg Institute of
Public Health, as well as in the tutoring of
masters and doctoral students.
We are engaged in short- and long-term
projects with a focus on Sub-Saharan &
Northern Africa, the Middle East, Asia and
evaplan has five main areas of expertise
›› Health systems strengthening
›› Sexual and reproductive health and rights
›› Response to hiv and aids
›› Comprehensive quality management
›› Social protection and health financing
evaplan is the consulting arm of the
Heidelberg Institute of Public Health and
collaborates closely with other institutes and
departments of the university. It incorpo-
rates more than 20 years of professional
experience from around the world. evaplan’s
portfolio is largely based upon bi- and
multilateral development cooperations, but
also includes assignments within the EU
member states in the area of public health.
evaplan has a broad range of partners such
as universities, non-governmental organisa-
tions and other consulting firms, spanning
both the Northern and Southern Hemisphe-
res. Furthermore, it is able to draw upon the
large international network of academics,
policy makers and alumni that associate
with the Heidelberg Institute of Public
Since 2004, evaplan has worked for a
variety of bi- and multi-lateral agencies in
the following countries: Bangladesh, Burkina
Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, China,
Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia,
Kenya, Kirgizstan, Kosovo, Malawi, Morocco,
Nepal, Northern Sudan, Oman, Pakistan,
the Philippines, Rwanda, Russia, South
Africa, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine,
Vietnam, Yemen, as well as in EU-Member