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Our principles and our approach
In line with the international strive for har-
monising development efforts and ultimately
achieving greater efficiency in the delivery
of aid our work is strictly aligned with the
policy framework of partner countries and
development partners.
The guiding principles of evaplan’s work
include: gender equality, realising human
rights and respect for cultural diversity. Our
approach is flexible and participatory. We
collaborate closely with local partners.
Our core methodological competencies
include the following
›› Technical support, result based
monitoring and impact evaluation
›› Capacity building, teaching and
curriculum development
›› Operational research
›› Strategy and concept papers
›› Documentation of "good practice" and
knowledge management
›› Conceptualisation and implementation
of technical study tours
Social protection and health
Social protection for the vulnerable
We conceptualise and strengthen mecha-
nisms alleviating and mitigating the risks
of falling into poverty due to ill health, disa-
bility, old age and exclusion. Our expertise
includes conditional cash transfers and
provisions for ageing populations.
Social protection in health
We promote universal health coverage by
designing, scaling-up and linking social,
private and micro insurance mechanisms.
Our experience comprises the definition of
benefit packages and the design of models
for risk equalization.
Reimbursement and provider payments
We aim at setting the right incentives
within an efficient and coherent purchasing
framework and combine expert knowledge
and skills in issues as diverse as pay for
performance, hospital financing – including
diagnosis-related group (DRGs) – and
pharmaceutical pricing.
Public financial management and good
Our portfolio encompasses the improve-
ment of public financial management at
national, district and local level. We have a
track record in the promotion of good gover-
nance and in linking health sector strategic
plans to national accounting mechanisms.
Economic analyses and costing studies:
We conduct economic evaluations and
analyse the benefit incidence of health care
programmes. We also address the question
of how health systems can best incorporate
innovations — from e-health to telemedicine
Health systems strengthening
Given the various determinants of health we
are committed to cross-sectoral efforts to
place health into a broader policy context.
Our work addresses the major weaknesses
of health systems, such as stewardship
and management issues, human resources,
information, quality of service provision as
well as demand side issues such as people’s
participation, knowledge and behaviour.
Main areas of support
Sectoral coordination mechanisms
We provide advice for governments and
international organizations who strive to
improve health systems at national and
sub-national levels. evaplan has conduc-
ted feasibility studies and evaluations of
health sector coordination mechanisms
(e.g. SWAps) and of pooled sector financing.
Other recent relevant mandates include
studies on the impact of Global Health
Initiatives on health systems.
Public private partnerships (PPPs)
Our expertise includes designing, imple-
menting and evaluating PPPs in areas as
diverse as quality management and e-health.
Besides providing negotiation support for
setting up mutually beneficial PPPs we
ensure sustainability by anchoring these
initiatives in the health sector context.
Health planning, monitoring & evaluation
evaplan has guided participatory processes
to elaborate national planning guidelines
and formats for district, hospital develop-