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ment and HIV/AIDS plans. Our services ran-
ge from the design of methods, techniques
and tools for programme evaluations (inclu-
ding impact evaluation) to the implemen-
tation of programme progress reviews and
results-based monitoring.
Human resources for health
The global health workforce crisis calls for
approaches that address political, economi-
cal, psychological and sociological dimen-
sions. evaplan supports strategic planning
for human resources and undertakes opera-
tional research to explore country-specific
reasons for poor motivation, performance
and retention of health workers. We have
experience of mapping tools to monitor
health workers migration and of technically
advising the design and implementation of
incentive schemes. Support is given to inno-
vative capacity building programmes for
health workers and at organisational level.
Heidelberg quality
management group
In 2008, the quality management group was
established as joint effort of evaplan and the
Heidelberg Institute of Public Health. It brings
together a network of public health profes-
sionals with multidisciplinary backgrounds
engaged in implementation, research and
teaching in the field of quality management.
The group seeks to bring state of the art
developments in the area of quality manage-
ment to low- and middle-income countries.
To this end it not only engages constantly in a
professional exchange with bi- and multila-
teral donors but also fosters the transfer of
knowledge among Southern countries. The
group sees itself as a think tank translating
evidence into policy making and practice.
Members of the group have extensive experi-
ence of supporting quality management po-
licy development and implementation at all
levels of the health system. Clients include
the European Union (EU), German Internatio-
nal Cooperation (GIZ), Global Fund (GFATM),
World Bank, WHO, United Nations Population
Fund (UNFPA) and USAID.
Examples of the work done by the group
›› Support to the process of establishing
a national accreditation body in Kenya
in collaboration with the AQUA Institute
›› Courses in quality of care at the University
of Heidelberg
›› Blended learning courses in QM on behalf
of GIZ
›› Research on implementation of quality
management methods and tools in Pakis-
tan, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
The Heidelberg quality management group
has a strong track record on producing
strategy and concept papers for a variety of
audiences and target groups. Additionally
members of the group have significant
experience in drafting curricula, providing
training for participants from low- and
middle-income countries as well as conduc-
ting operational research.
With its wide variety of services and exten-
sive experience from different continents,
the Heidelberg quality management working
group seeks to build quality management
capacity at all levels and to bridge the gap
between practical experience and academic
training and research. Besides facilitating
dialogue and exchange across countries,
the group also provides services in the
German health sector.
Sexual and reproductive
health & rights (SRHR) and
The importance of SRHR
SRHR is of crucial importance to broader
efforts towards poverty reduction and susta-
inable development, hence the addition of a
new target for "universal access to repro-
ductive health by 2015" to the Millennium
Development Goal of "Improving maternal
We are committed to a rights-based ap-
proach that contributes to achieving equal
access to information and services without
discrimination related to sex, social class,
ethnicity or age. Our expertise includes con-
ceptual and strategic work on comprehensi-
ve SRHR and respective technical support to
programmes at country level.
evaplan has wide experience in the multi-
sectoral response to HIV and AIDS, both at