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University of Umeå
This young Northern-most Swedish univer-
sity won a structural Swedish grant to create
the "Umeå Centre in Global Health Research"
(UCGHR) in 2008. The collaboration between
HIPH and the UCGHR has been particularly
strong in four areas:
a) "Climate change and health", with sever-
al joint research project and two courses
on the topic in Heidelberg and Umeå,
taught together
b) Dengue control research, a large con-
sortium of 10 international scientific
c) Partnership with INDEPTH network under-
girded by a EU project to strengthen
capacity-building across the INDEPTH
sites (HeikoBecher)
d) Journal in Global Health Action
Particularly fruitful are the double appoint-
ments of professors in these areas: Rainer
Sauerborn has been "guest professor of
climate change and global health" (see item
a) at Umeå university since 2009. Annelies
Wilder-Smith has been guest professor lea-
ding the dengue project (b) since 2010. Stig
Wall and Peter Byass have been external
examiners in our Master of Science course
since 2007. Additionally, HeikoBecher and
Rainer Sauerborn are in the editorial board
of the Global Health Action journal (chief
editors Stig Wall and Peter Byass).
Staff members ofthe Umeå International School of Public Health with guest professor Heiko Becher after a
charity running event