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Karolinska Institute,
Division of Global Health
Since 1998 we have run five large EU-funded
research projects with Karolisnka Institute
(KI) as key partner. The focus has been on
health system research and evidence-based
policy development (with GöranTomson as
lead partner). The illustrative areas to study
this were malaria care and antenatal and
maternity care. Another focus was on early
warning systems for infectious diseases
using lay people and their cell-phones as
communication channels (with Prof. Vinod
Diwan as lead partner). A large number of
mutual exchanges in external examiners for
doctoral theses complement this cooper-
ation, as does the joint involvement in the
INDEPTH network. KI and the HIPH have
worked together in founding the European
Academic Global Health Alliance (EAGHA).
Both Swedish partners, Umeå University and
Karolinska Institute are running the "Swedish
Research School in Global Health", a joint
PhD programme. The HIPH is currently part-
nering with this research school proposing a
DFG funded "International Research Training
Group" (IRTG) on global health with both
Swedish partners, which we hope will lead to
a joint Swedish-German PhD programme on
global health.