Center for Psychosocial… About our Center About us Library

Library of the center

Since 2006, the library of the Center for Psychosocial Medicine has combined the library holdings of the Department of General Psychiatry, Department of General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics, and the Institute of Medical Psychology. It is located in the building of the Psychosomatic Outpatient Clinic, Thibautstraße 4, in the area of the old Bergheim Hospital.

The unification of the libraries is accompanied by simplified, interdisciplinary access to specialist literature for readers: In addition to the extensive monograph holdings, about 20 current print journals can be consulted in the Center Library. The historically valuable old collections of psychiatry from the 18th and 19th centuries are displayed in glass cases in a separate room in the building of the Department of General Psychiatry. They are accessible upon request.

In addition to the Center Library (with the holdings of the departments of General Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Medical Psychology), the ZPM (CPM) has a library for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and a library of the Institute for Psychosocial Prevention. Since July 2007, the library's professional and administrative support has been carried out jointly with Heidelberg University Library. The library holdings are listed in HEIDI, the central online catalog for the libraries of Heidelberg University.

Thibautstr. 4
69115 Heidelberg
Building 4240

More details

List of new acquisitions

On the website of the University Library you can directly access our new acquisitions list for each month New acquisitions list

Usage information

generally accessible, reference library, lending to employees of the center
Copying facilities available (no Campuscard!)

Catalogs and listing

The holdings of the Center's library are listed in their entirety as of the year of publication 1980, and partially in HEIDI before that. Work is in progress to incorporate the older literature. The monographs from the year of acquisition 1980 onwards are catalogued according to the Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK).

Meanwhile, many journal titles that were obtained as print editions for the library until 2016 are offered as e-journals. These journals are accessible campus-wide.  In addition, another approximately 7400 medical journals are available in full-text electronic format and 94,500 e-journals are available across disciplines.

Library ID

Local: ZP, Interlibrary loan: 16/156
Some of the holdings are still listed under the old library identifiers of General Psychiatry (UY, 16/19) and Psychosomatics (UT, 16/65).