Medical Director
Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Friederich
Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders, Experimental Research for Psychosomatic Diseases, Health Care Research, Functional Diagnostics of the Autonomic Nervous System
Chief Senior Physician
apl. Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Nikendei, MME
Posttraumatic stress disorders, secondary traumatization, care for mentally burdened refugees and asylum seekers, autobiographical memory in psychosomatic disorders, medical didactics, communicative and procedural skills in medical students, psychotherapy research, competence-based training of psychotherapists in education, stress and burnout at work, acquisition of health competence.
Managing Senior Physicians
PD Dr. med. M.Sc. Psych. M.B.A. Markus Haun
Mental health services research; Primary care mental health; Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses; Psycho-oncology
apl. Prof. Dr. med. Jonas Tesarz
Specialist for internal medicine
Influence of stress and mental trauma on pain perception and central pain modulation; Computational modeling and predictive coding of pain; Psychological treatment approaches for chronic pain and functional disorders; Pain and pain treatment in high performance athletes
Senior Physicians
Dr. med. Julia Baranovski
Specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy -
apl. Prof. Dr. med. Christiane Bieber
Shared Decision Making; Doctor-patient relationship and communication research; Chronic pain; Psycho-oncology
PD Dr. med. David Kindermann
Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung, Sekundäre Traumatisierung, Komplexe Traumafolgestörungen, Dissoziative Störungen, Global Health
Dr. med. Ute Martens
Irritable bowel syndrome/ Reizdarm, Reizmagen, Psychotherapiemotivation, Stationäre Psychotherapie, Behandlungsabbrüche
PD Dr. med. Jobst-Hendrik Schultz (MME)
Psychosomatic consultation and liaison service
Psycho-cardiological comorbidities (clinical research and basic research), research in medical education; (doctor-patient communication, assessment, faculty development, peer assisted learning)
Dr. med. Petra Wagenlechner
Specialist for internal medicine
Specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapyFocus
Integrierte Psychosomatik, Essstörungen, Adipositas-Zentrum, Seltene Erkrankungen, Mitglied Klinisches Ethik-Komitee, Transplantationspsychosomatik
Dr. med. Franziska Zumbaum-Fischer
Psychosomatischer Konsil- und Liaisondienst, Psychosomatische LTX-Evaluation, Tinnitus, Familienmedizinische Sprechstunde
Lead psychologists
Dipl. Psych. Mechthild Hartmann
Health services research; Family Medicine; Psychosomatics in medical conditions; Methods of psychosomatic research
Prof. (apl.) Dr. sc. hum. Dipl. Math. Dipl. Psych. Beate Wild
Dipl. Math. Dipl. Psych., Leading Biometrician
obesity; anorexia; biopsychosocial health care needs in the elderly; mental comorbidity in the elderly; loneliness; effects of chronic stress; systemic therapy; process research, time series analyses; clinical studies in psychosocial medicine; complementary medicine
Clinical psychologists
Scientific Staff
PD Dr. phil. Dipl. Psych. Joe Simon
Functional neuroimaging, eating disorders, obesity, experimental methods in psychosomatic reasearch, gut-brain axis, hormonal satiety regulation
Course Coordinator
Social workers
Dipl. Soz. Arb. Sabine Haferkorn
Mitscherlich Ward, Psychosomatic Evening Clinic
Sozialarbeiterin B.A. Sarah Kastner
Ambulanz Neuenheim, Krebsberatungsstelle
Sozialarbeiterin M.A. Ramona Pecorelli
Psychosomatic Outpatient Clinic Neuenheim, Krebsberatungsstelle
Sozialarbeiterin B.A. Kathrin Pöck
Station von Weizsäcker, Ambulanz Neuenheim
Dipl. Soz. Arb. Bärbel Siegfarth-Häberle
AKM Ward, Private Section, Psychosomatic Outpatient Clinic Bergheim
Specialist therapists
Functional unit
Office staff
Study coordination
Gudrun Miritz
(Department of General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics)
Technik und medizinische Dokumentation
Emeritus professors
Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Eich
Ärztlicher Direktor ACURA Klinik für Psychosomatik, Baden Baden (Kooperationsklinik und Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus der Universität Heidelberg)
Biopsychosoziale Aspekte von chronischen Schmerzen, Fibromyalgie und somatoforme Störungen, Shared Decision Making und Kommunikationsforschung, Medizinische Anthropologie
Prof. em. Dr. med. Peter Hahn
Medizinische Anthropologie, Erkenntnistheorie, Klinische Gruppentherapie