GLIDE-19: Global lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic: learning from prevention to long-term care
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted societies all around the world. Due to the sudden emergence of the pandemic and lack of information healthcare professionals worked with lots of uncertainties.
Despite the large efforts of each country, professional education and training of healthcare operators on the management of COVID-19 scattered over EU countries, resulting in a lack of comprehensive and integrated approaches for Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs. Therefore, to be prepared and act synergistically in the current but also in a potential future pandemic situation, the EU needs a system for exchanging and sharing healthcare knowledge and (best)practices. It is also essential that the information and knowledge about the pandemic covers every aspect of the illness, including prevention and post-recovery rehabilitation (i.e., long COVID).
The overall goal of the GLIDE-19 project is therefore to support healthcare professionals in achieving enhanced skills and competencies to manage current and (possible future) pandemics by developing a multidimensional training program.
(Local) Lead
PD Dr. med. Jobst-Hendrik Schultz (MME)
Psychosomatic consultation and liaison service
(Local) Working group
Project partners:
- Project lead: Brain Research Foundation (BRF, Lucca, Italy).
- Social IT (Trento, Italy)
- Maastricht University (Netherlands)
- Fundacion Intras (Valladolid, Spain)
Duration: 01.11.2022 – 31.10.2024
Funding: Erasmus+ -programme (Nr. 2022-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000088032)