[Translate to English:] Kinderklinik unter blauem Himmel mit weißen Wolken im Hintergrund, Platz vor Kinderklinik im Vordergrund mit einem Kirschbaum voller rosa Blüten rechts im Bild

Sustainability and Climate Protection

Sustainability and climate protection


Healthy Living requires a Healthy Planet

Intact ecosystems, clean water, pure air and a stable climate are the basis for our health. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that avoidable environmental damage is the cause of more than 13 million deaths worldwide each year. The climate crisis is the greatest health threat facing humanity. Extreme weather such as heavy rain, droughts and heat waves, the spread of infectious diseases, longer allergy seasons, but also air pollution endanger health. 

Heidelberg University Hospital takes its responsibility seriously. As one of the largest and most renowned medical centers in Germany, the UKHD serves as a role model. In order to contribute to a future worth living, it is important to minimize your own environmental impact and protect the natural foundations of life. Projects such as “Climate protection in clinics through optimization of supply chains” KliOL at the Heidelberg Institute for Global Health (HIGH) show how this can be achieved. 

On these pages we provide information about the activities in the area of ecological sustainability, which are coordinated by the Office for Sustainability and Climate Protection.

KLIMAWIN companies

Heidelberg University Hospital has been a KLIMAWIN company since March 2024.

By participating in KLIMAWIN, we are committing to our economic, ecological and social responsibility and to constantly increasing our commitment to climate protection and sustainability and making this visible.

KLIMAWIN, formerly known as the WIN Charter, is a reporting system for climate-conscious and sustainable companies as part of the climate protection strategy "Companies do climate protection" of the state of Baden-Württemberg. KLIMAWIN is based on self-commitment, personal initiative and external communication. By signing up to KLIMAWIN, companies commit to complying with specific guiding principles and to reporting on these annually.


Dr. Noemi Bender

Head of Sustainability and Climate Protection

+49 6221 56-310177