ResSurge Working Groups Research Focus European…

Research focus

Translational pancreas research at the "EPZ

Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. med. Martin Loos

Despite major advances in surgical therapy, the prognosis of pancreatic cancer remains limited. Reasons for this are:

  • late diagnosis
  • early metastasis
  • complicated tumor biology of pancreatic cancer
  • insufficient efficacy of the currently available systemic therapy options.

The EPZ has long been involved in translational research on pancreatic cancer. Our goal is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of pancreatic cancer development and progression and to derive new options for early diagnosis and therapy of pancreatic cancer.

Central components of the FSP are the EPZ biobank (Pancobank), the EPZ consultation and the EPZ research laboratory. The Pancobank provides the basis for patient-oriented translational research by collecting and properly storing tissue samples from surgical specimens and blood samples after appropriate patient information and consent. With the support of the EPZ consultation service, these samples have been carefully annotated and are thus available (in an anonymized form) for general pancreatic research. The spectrum of interest of our research groups working in the laboratory is diverse and ranges from high-tech based elucidation of pathogenic carcinoma processes to the establishment of novel therapeutic interventions and reliable biomarkers.

We cooperate closely with other pancreas-oriented research groups in Heidelberg - especially in the NCT and the DKFZ - and are very well networked with national and international partners. It is also important to us to provide a favorable environment for the scientific work and training of PhD students, young research associates and visiting scientists.

Portrait von PD Dr. med. Martin Loos

Prof. Dr. med. Martin Loos