Parasitologie Research Current Groups Frischknecht lab Courses

EMBO Training Courses (Pretoria, South Africa)

Poster of course in 2013

Group picture 2013

Poster of course in 2011

Group picture 2011

Poster of course in 2010

Group picture 2010

Biology of Parasitism Courses (Woods Hole, USA)

Group picture 2022

Group picture 2017

Group picture 2001

Parade 2022



For further info on the courses in Woods Hole see publication in Trends in Parasitology from June 2017: "Biology of Parasitism: A Broad and Deep Parasitology Discovery Course"

African Leadership Academy (South Africa)

Course in Bahir Dar (Ethiopia, November 2018)

Courses at the West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens (WACCBIP)

(Legon, Ghana, 2017-2019)

Freddy presenting on the history of microscopy at the workshop

Group picture

Gordon Awandare, head of WACCBIP and his Zeiss Airyscan microscope