Kliniken &… Institute Heidelberger Institut… Staff Knauss, Samuel

Dr. Samuel Knauss

Post Doc / Research Group Leader

Samuel Knauss is a physician, neurologist and global health researcher at the HIGH. He has years of experience in the planning, implementation and scientific evaluation of projects in  digital global health with a focus on digital tools for healthcare financing. He is research group leader of the Global Digital Health Lab, and co-founder of two social enterprises focussing on healthcare access in low- and middle-income countries. 

2017 Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin / MD (Approbation), Medicine 

2008 - 2016 Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Dept. of Experimental Neurology, Dr. med.

Projects & Grants

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): “Interdisciplinary SDG – Semester Program Sustainable Global Health” (2023-2025)

German Research Foundation (DFG): “Initiation of Cooperation in the Area of African-German Public Health Research” (2023−2024)

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): “Urban Resilience to Medical Impoverishment Through Mobile Technology (U-RESIST)” (2021−2024) 

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): “Research to ImproveResilience in Major African Cities through Universal Health Coverage (ReachUHC)” (2021− 2024)

Berlin University Alliance (BUA): “Sustainable access to healthcare through e-healthtechnologies in East Africa” (2021−2022)

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): “DESIGN-eTB – Digitization of Epidemiological Tuberculosis Surveillance in Madagascar“, (2020−2021)



Contact Information

E-Mail: samuel.knauss(at)uni-heidelberg.de