Neurooncology Funding Programs
of the Clinic for Neurology at the Heidelberg University Clinic
Thank you very much for your interest in the neurooncology program of the Neurological Clinic at the Heidelberg University Hospital. Every year, the Neurooncology Program provides consultations to more than 4.000 patients and treats more than 1.500 patients with tumors of the nervous system. Furthermore, the program is extremely productive and the huge number of high-level publications not only position several of the senior investigators amongst the top scientists in their field, but also ensures development of junior researchers and allows for successful tenure paths.

The Collaborative Research Center 1389 - UNDERSTANDING AND TARGETING RESISTANCE IN GLIOBLASTOMA is now in its second funding period. The spokesman of the CRC is Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick. co-spokepersons are Dr. Christiane Opitz, Prof. Dr. Stefan Pister and Prof. Dr. Michael Platten. In addition to the DKFZ, the project partner is the Mannheim Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University. The CRC 1389, which connects many groups from our clinic, other departments, the DKFZ and the Mannheim location, deals with understanding and overcoming resistance in patients with glioblastomas. The CRC is innovation, strong structural bonds within a broad intellectual frame and a triggered by the strong vision that glioblastoma is treatable. The UNITEGLIOBLASTOMA abbreviated initiative, as a structural element of our clinic, ensures a further profile formation.

We successfully applied for the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Foundation funded Heidelberg Research College for Neurooncology. It is a colaborative Research College between the Neuroradiology, Neurooncology, Neuropathology. Neurosurgery und Radiation Therapy departments at the Heidelberg University Hospital. With a total of 1,2 million euros, six fellows are funded as Clinician Scientists over three years. The Research College serves as a nucleus for further developments of our structured, interdisciplinary dialogue, and for the promotion of outstanding young medical professionals.

The University Hospital Heidelberg and the University Medical Center Mannheim have been selected by the Hertie Foundation as one of six locations in the Hertie Network of Excellence in Clinical Neuroscience. With this network, the Hertie Foundation supports clinical neurosciences with a total of five million euros nationwide. The Heidelberg/Mannheim location in the Hertie Network with spokesman Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick and co-spokesman Prof. Dr. Michael Platten, is funded with 660,000 euros for four scholarship holders. The clinics top up the funding up to the amount of 1 million euros, available for the sponsored scholarship holders. The Hertie Academy of Clinical Neuroscience developed by the Hertie Foundation with the centers is intended to provide excellent young researchers with key qualifications for the next career steps and promote scientific networking, for example through joint projects. Within the network, the Heidelberg/Mannheim location focuses on neurooncology projects.