Kliniken &… Kliniken Medizinische… Sportmedizin Forschung AG Sportpraxis

AG Sportpraxis

Zu Fragestellungen aus der Sportpraxis führen wir regelmäßig wissenschaftliche Projekte durch. Es werden folgende Themenbereiche bearbeitet:

  • Steuerung von Training und Bewegung bei Sportlern und Patienten
  • Stoffwechselanpassung durch Training und Bewegung
  • Erythropoese und Leistungsfähigkeit im Höhentraining

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Friedmann, B., Bauer, T., Menold, E., Bärtsch, P.: Exercise with the intensity of the individual anaerobic threshold in acute hypoxia. Med. Sci Sports Exerc. 36: 1737-1742, 2004.

Friedmann, B., Frese, F., Menold, E., Kauper, F., Jost, J., Bärtsch, P.: Individual variation in the erythropoietic response to altitude training in elite junior swimmers. Br. J. Sportsmed. 39: 148-153, 2005.

Frese, F., Friedmann-Bette, B.: Effects of repetitive training at low altitude on erythropoiesis in 400 and 800 m runners. Int. J. Sports Med. 31: 382-388, 2010.

Ulrich, G., Bärtsch, P., Friedmann-Bette, B.: Total haemoglobin mass and red blood cell profile in endurance-trained and non-endurance-trained adolescent athletes. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 111: 2855-2864, 2011.

Frese, F., Seipp, P., Hupfer, S., Bärtsch, P., Friedmann-Bette, B.: Insufficient control of exercise intensity by heart rate monitoring in cardiac patients. Eur. J. Prev. Cardiol. 19: 436-443, 2012.

Reljic, D., Hässler, E., Jost, J., Friedmann-Bette, B.: Rapid weight loss and the body fluid balance and hemoglobin mass of elite amateur boxers. J. Athl. Train. 48:109-117, 2013.

Reljic, D., Jost, J., Dickau, K., Kinscherf, R., Bonaterra, G., Friedmann-Bette, B.: Effects of pre-competitional rapid weight loss on nutrition, vitamin status and oxidative stress in elite boxers. J. Sports. Sci., 33: 437-448, 2015.

Reljic, D., Feist, J., Jost, J., Kieser, M., Friedmann‐Bette, B.: Rapid body mass loss affects erythropoiesis and hemolysis but does not impair aerobic performance in combat athletes. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports, 26: 507-517, 2016.

Weigmann‐Faßbender, S., Pfeil, K., Betz, T., Sander, A., Weiß, K., Tönshoff, B., Friedmann‐Bette, B.: Physical fitness and health‐related quality of life in pediatric renal transplant recipients: An interventional trial with active video gaming. Pediatr. Transplant. 24:e13630, 2020.



