GenKI Videos genome analysis I

Genome analysis I

General information on genome analysis: difference between genome and exome analysis, basic procedure of genome analysis, limitations of the method.


DNA  = The abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid, the carrier of genetic information in cells. 

Exome = The totality of all exons of an organism. 

Exome analysis = The analysis of exome sections to identify genetic variants. 

Exon = The sections in a gene that are transferred to the messenger RNA. These are the sections of a gene that are important for its function. 

Gene = A section of DNA that contains the genetic information for a particular trait or characteristic of a living organism. 

Genetic findings = The written results of a genetic test that indicate genetic variants or abnormalities. 

Genetic code = The sequence of bases in DNA that defines genetic information. 

Genome = The entire DNA sequence or totality of all genes of an organism. 

Genome analysis = The examination of the entire genome for genetic changes. Means the same as genome sequencing. 

Intron = Sections in a gene that are cut out to form a messenger RNA (mRNA). Introns are therefore the opposite of exons. 

Unclear variant = A genetic alteration whose clinical significance is not clear. 

Pathogenic variant = A genetic change that is associated with the development of a disease. 

Additional finding = Additional (incidental) information or findings identified during a genetic test.