GenKI Videos genome analysis…

Genome analysis II

More detailed information on genome analysis: Further information on the limitations of the method


Bases = The building blocks of DNA, consisting of adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). 

DNA = The abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid, the carrier of genetic information in cells. 

Follow-up analysis = A repetition of an analysis of genetic data to include newly obtained data. 

Gene = A section of DNA that contains the genetic information for a particular trait or characteristic of a living organism. 

Genome = The entire DNA sequence or totality of all genes of an organism. 

Genome analysis = The examination of the entire genome for genetic changes. Means the same as genome sequencing. 

Genome sequencing = The examination of the entire genome for genetic changes. Means the same as genome analysis. 

Sequence = A sequence of DNA or RNA bases. The sequence contains the genetic code. 

Sequencing = The process by which the order of bases (the sequence) in DNA or RNA is determined. 

Standard genome = The normal sequence of the genome used as a standard for comparisons.